Act Eleven

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Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart
Of its constant hunger for whatever it wants
the way it stops and starts
-Edgar Allan Poe

Nino, Alya and Marinette all walked into the hospital and went into Chats room. Beep Beep Beep. Marinette went to his side and took his hand. His monitor picked up pace for his heart but it slowed back into a rhythmic beat. Marinette moved his hair from his eyes and smiled. Alya and Nino stayed by the door as Marinette sat down.

"Alya and Nino came to visit with me. They have a little boy named Jamie at home who can't get enough of you." Marinette weakly smiled and Alya and Nino sat on the other side of the bed. "Ladybug needs help with the akuma's. They're getting stronger and stronger. She needs you. I need you. We all need you." Beep Beep Beep. "Adriens still missing. Today's his birthday. I think you told me once that today was your birthday so I made you something."  Marinette reached into her bag and pulled out a scarf. She put it on his side table and smiled. "I miss you Chat." Her voice broke.

"This might be a bad time but he left another letter to give you on his birthday if he was still gone." A doctor gave her the letter and left and Marinette immediately opened it.

Dear Princess,

If your reading this then it's my birthday! You probably made me something amazing and dragged Nino and Alya to the hospital with you. Thank you for your gift and thank you for your support through this. I have a feeling that you'll go home and cry wishing that I was with you to make you feel better but that's what you have Alya and Nino for. My miraculous probably hasn't given out. My Kwami Plagg is trapped in the ring and has no choice but to wait for me to wake up.

I miss you Princess.  I wish I could be sitting on your balcony saying terrible cat puns you'll laugh at later in school. From where I am I'm watching you. I'm just a lost soul trying to get back but haven't found a way. I want to be with you and watch you stutter and turn red when I flirt with you but roll your eyes and probably think about it later and blush.

I have something I want you to do. When you get home put on 50 Ways to Say Goodbye and just listen to the song. You might cry and get mad but the song is my way of lying to people. When you finish with the song curl up with a blanket and watch Titanic. When you finish that look out onto the night sky and write down everything you see. When your done with that before you go to bed eat a cookie and you'll have sweet dreams.

I don't know how much longer I'll be in a coma.  But I WILL wake up to see your beautiful smile and crystal blue eyes again.  I'll give you the biggest hug and kiss every inch of your beautiful face.

Je T'aime Princess.

Chat Noir

Marinette held the paper to her chest and smiled. Alya took it from her and read it. "Since when did you two have a thing?"

"I can't remember he's just always been there." Marinette took the paper and put it in her bag. "We should head back. Don't wan to keep Jamie waiting." Marinette smiled and kissed Chats forehead. "It's rude to keep a princess waiting." Marinette laughed. His hand flicked. "Please don't scare me again." Beep Beep Beep. Marinette smiled. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow Chat." She kissed his forehead again before they left. Nino drove her home and when she got inside she started the list.

1. Listen to 50 Ways to Say Goodbye

Marinette found the song, lied down on her chaise and listened to the words. She cried at how the words spoke to her and punched her pillow out of anger that he asked her to listen to the song but happy because he asked her. He asked her to do this.

2.Watch Titanic

She watched and cried. She was filled with memories of her and Chat watching the movie and how he would complain about it being true love and cry because they were meant to be but were pulled apart. How she would comfort him when the movie ended and roll her eyes at his sobbing about how they were like him and Ladybug.

3.  Star gaze and write down what you see

Marinette went out onto her balcony and lied down. She saw the shape of a star, a frying pan, a sword, a lion, and a pair of eyes. She wrote them down but didn't move quite yet. She lied down and listened to the stillness of the night and felt comfort. She wrote that down.

4. Eat a cookie before bed and have sweet dream

Marinette snuck into the bakery since it was closed and didn't want to burn the house down trying to make cookies and grabbed a few before heading up to her room. She gave Tikki one and they ate the cookies and Marinette lied down and looked at the ceiling. While her eyes got heavy she whispered.  "Sweet Dreams Chaton."

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