Pretentious Pretenses

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"Wanker!" I screamed, leaning down to pick up all my paints that had flown out of my bag after being smacked into by someone jogging down the road. They didn't even stop to acknowledge me. Typical. Sometimes it felt like I just blended into the background and was invisible. Pathetic really.

"Lily! What happened?" My mate Charlotte called out. She worked in the cafe I was standing outside of. I was on my way to see her before going to my painting class at Manc University.

"Oh...s'alright. I just got bumped into is all." I mumbled now standing up right having gathered all my things.

"Okay then. Well come on, I had Olivia make you your usual." Charlotte took me by the elbow inside the cafe.

It was relatively empty with the exception of Olivia who was stood behind the counter and a bloke sat off in a corner near the window. He was reading a book with a familiar looking cover. I was practically blind without my glasses so I couldn't see clearly what it was. I refused to wear them about so I squinted quite a bit. The man caught me squinting at him and I quickly turned on my heels.

"Here ya go love. Black coffee, two sugars." Olivia smiled as she handed me the mug.

I sat down at a table with Charlotte. She was such a tiny thing. No more than 5 feet tall. Her bobbed brown hair swished back and forth as she spoke, quite animated little one. She babbled on for a few minutes about some boy that had come in before that she thought was cute but I didn't hear most of it. I zoned out as she spoke, sipping my coffee. I nodded occasionally as to not seem rude. The young man walked up to counter and handed Olivia his empty cup and dish. His thick brown hair flopped over his forehead and he brushed it back with his hand.

"Oh that's alright. I could have gotten it." She giggled.

"Well...yes...that's true. Sorry." He muttered. He stopped at the table we were sat at, sticking his book out at me.

"Yates! I thought so!" I snapped, recognizing it now that I could see it clearer.

He smirked, "Can't see without your glasses then?"

"I--uh--can see alright." I stammered.

"I'd disagree. I saw you outside." A tiny chuckle escaped his mouth. It was quite low in tone.

I giggled uncomfortably, "...well...yeah...that happened."

"Right. It happens...see you around." He smirked again turning to walk out of the cafe, tucking his book under his arm as he walked away.

"Phwoah! He's cute." Olivia squealed as soon as he was outside.

I rolled my eyes are her statement and continued drinking my coffee.

"What's that about?" Charlotte asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"The eye thought he was cute too didn't you?" She accused.

Scoffing before speaking, "Christ. I can't be bothered with such childish inquisitions honestly."

"Alright then, don't get your knickers in a knot. Well at least when know if he comes back that he will probably only talk to you anyway." She pouted.

"Oh please. I need constant recognition and admiration from the male species. My mother will be so proud." I chuckled sardonically.

"You seem like his type to be fair." Olivia called out to us as she cleaned dishes.

"What's that then?" I called back.

"Pretentious." She laughed.

"Right. Then I'll be off to my pretentious art school and paint my pompous bullshit paintings." I huffed, getting up from the table and slinging my bag over my shoulder. They didn't know this man so I couldn't care less about any of it. And to call me that to my face? These are my friends? That was questionable it seemed.

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