Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

Cat and I are discussing our situation in a back room far away from the boys.

"Maybe Zayn will notice me Alex."

"Cat,honey, I love you,but I don't think that would work out. I'm sorry."

"A girl can dream..." She sighs and stares off into space.

"Yeah but I think this is dream is a bit much. Don't you think?"

"I know I know... It's just he is so... so... so perfect.." shesighs.

"I know you think he's perfect sweetie." I sigh." And he is. They all are."

She stares at me and attacks me.

"YOU ADMIT THEY'RE PERFECT!!! WHO'S YOU FAVORITE?!?!?!?" she screams in my ear.

"I didn't say I like them."

She glares at me.

"You like Harry. I know you do." She crosses her arms.


I think that might be a lie...

Of course it is.

It can't be!

I don't like one of them... Do I?

Cat stares at me.

"You like one of them. I know you do because I know you."


"It's Harry isn't it?"

I stare at her."It is!" she screams excitedly.

"Shut up Cat!" I put my hand over her mouth.

"Oops. Sorry."

Harry's POV

I can hear the girls. My name was mentioned a few times.

"So you like Harry... Wow."

"I didn't say that. I said I didn't hate him."


Alex's POV

"Because." I whisper."My life wasn't supposed to be like this. Cat when I was twelve, I ran away."

"No you didn't." she says.

"Sh. I ran away and was living on the streets until my parents found me and adopted me."

"What?! Why would you run away?! Who were your parents?! And why didn't I know all this?!"

"One I couldn't tell you. I ran away.because I didn't feel welcome in my own house. And my parents... Well my brother is... Liam." I whisper.


Liam's POV

"Brother?!"I whisper to myself."Lex."

I run into the back.

Alex and Cat are standing there.

Alex's POV

Liam wasn't supposed to hear this...

He stares at me and walks closer.

"After all these years." he whispers.  He steps closer to me."Lex." he smiles.

"Hi Liam.."

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me.

"Why did you run away?" he asks.

"I was a screw up. You guys were perfect and I was just blah."

"Lex..." he whispers.


"Why do you hate my band than?" he asks.

"I don't.  I just don't want to hear what I am missing out on in my brothers life." I admit.

"Alex!" he pulls away and stares at me."WHY?!" he screams.

"Liam I loved living with you, but mum and dad obviously loved you and our sisters more."

"NOT true." he says.

"It doesn't matter now."

"It does matter."

"No it doesn't. It was stupid but I can't change what happened. Just like you can't change the fact that I'm not the same girl I was when I left." I look into his eyes and I try not to think about all our memories.

"Alex... It does matter."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW?! FOR FOUR YEARS I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR MY SISTER! Mum and dad have been going crazy..." He throws his hands into the air." They think you've been kidnapped or that you're dead." He frowns.

"Don't tell them!" I scream.

"Alexandra I have to!"


He pulls his phone out

"Hello? Mum? You'll never believe who I found."

"Who? Oh just Lexi."

I hear my mum screaming. He puts the phone on speaker and I can hear mum and dad.

"Alex?" Mum says,her voice shaking

"Hi mum."


Mum and dad try to get us out of the arena but everyone is closed and no one believes that a group of kids managed to stay in the building.

Hi.. Sorry for being so late

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