You're my girlfriend, okay?

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Katelyns pov

I wake up and see snapchats from Jacob I open them and they say You're my girlfriend ,okay? And I reply back okay ❤️ so that's how we started dating but it's not anything special for you but it is to me. I wake up eat brush teeth and get dressed so excited to see Jacob I love his smile!

Jacobs pov
I'm so happy Katelyn is my girlfriend I love her I'm so exited to see her at school and after that. My mom makes me pancakes and eggs they were good but I rushed to see Katelyn. Alissa texts me
A- so you and Katelyn are together?
J-yep 😊
A-you hurt her that's the last thing you will do ☺️
J-noted but I won't she's not like any other girl she is special and amazing

Katelyn pov
I told Alissa about Jacob and I and she said that her and Jaden got together too but knowing her she will say something threatening to Jacob.

Alissa's pov
I had to say something to Jacob because if he does break her heart I will break him but I think their a cute couple they walk into the school holding hands aw their so cute. I wish me and Jaden were like this but I think we will soon...

Jaden's pov

I hear someone running up towards me and than they jump on my back. Hii babe. said Alissa. I love you! she said. I love you more I replied smirking. I love you most!  Alissa yelled not possible I said smirking and laughing. Alissa is so cute! I think to myself. Maybe I should ask her on a date? Maybe yes okay I'm going to ask her. I think to myself. Hey Alissa! I yelled as she was walking away and she came running over.  yeah? She says. Would you like to go on a date today? I ask. Duh,where? Alissa asks. Cedar point? I ask and she screams yes and we get in trouble for yelling by mrs Sullivan. Sorry.  we say.  So I will meet you by your locker at the end of school? I say smirking. Yep she said smiling let's go we are going to be late she says chuckling so we walk down the hallway holding hands.

Alissa's pov
K-did he ask you out yet?
A-yes guess where we're going!
K- probably cedar point because that's where you love to go. 😂
A- yep tomorrow after school so did Jacob ask you out on a date yet?
K-nope not yet he will soon I know it
A- I have to go but I will let you know about it!
K- okay bye!

Jacobs pov
I see Katelyn so I run to her and give her a giant hug in the hallway in front of everyone. Trying to make a Scene? Katelyn said laughing. Yep. I say I want everyone to know we're dating. So I have a question. I say. what's up? Katelyn  asks. Would you like to go on a date with me I say blushing. Of course ! Katelyn says jumping into my arms giving me a giant hug. Okay so it's a surprise,but meet me at my locker after school tomorrow? Yep! Katelyn says. I give her a kiss and hug and we leave holding hands down the hallway.

Katelyns pov
Jacob finally asked me out on a date! I say to Alissa.  finally? You guys just started dating yesterday. She said laughing. So did you and Jaden!  I say yeah true. she said  well I have to get to class bye! I say. Alissa waves and yells bye. 

Hey guys! Im going to try and start updating the story daily but I get busy sometimes.
Love you guys ❤️
(631 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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