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"Just give 'em a little taste of what they have to pay. Don't kill everyone, and don't keep everyone alive."
"Yes sir, Negan,"

So you're in?" Tara asked the dark haired Korean as they sat together playing cards at the table in their house located in Alexandria.

"Sure, I need something to do tomorrow," he shrugged.

They were referring to the question Tara had asked him: if he would want to go on a run with Rosita, Jason and her tomorrow morning.

"Cool. Hey, guess what?" she raised her eyebrows.


"I win."
Tara grabbed the cards and stacked them up in a pile again before adding,
"I'm gonna be done for tonight, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, G. We'll be ready at the gates by seven, okay?"

"Alright, goodnight Tara," he smiled, patting her on the shoulder and heading upstairs to their room.

Maggie had went to bed a little earlier, and Glenn'd said he would be right up, but when Tara challenged him to a game of cards he couldn't resist. She was like a sister to him, and their relationship had grown over time. They were very close and hoped to always keep it that way.

Glenn slipped his shirt and pants off, climbing in next to his beautiful wife.

"Hey babe," she said, groggily.

"Hi, honey," he said, kissing her softly, then pulling the covers over himself.

"I'm goin' on a run tomorrow, okay?" he informed her.

"Ugh," she groaned.


"I don't like it when you volunteer to do that shit," Maggie confessed, "you always get hurt,"

"Not all the time," he said, "and I promise I won't get hurt this time, okay?"

"Fine. You better keep your promise or I swear to god,"

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get some sleep," he murmured, rubbing her stomach slightly as he did every night before dozing off.

As morning came, Maggie awoke to find a note on Glenn's pillow:

I'll be fine
Don't worry about me,
I didn't forget my promise
I love you, baby


She held it tight, before falling back asleep with the piece of paper still in her hand.

"Mornin'," Glenn greeted Rosita at the gates.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Where's Tara?"

"She needed to get something, when she gets back we're leaving,"

"Cool, so where are we going exactly?"

"There was an old mall about fifteen miles out, it's just gonna be a quick sweep through,"

He nodded.

"We ready?" Jason, another Alexandrian asked.

"Yup," Tara said, "I call shotgun!"
"You're leaving me back here with him?" Rosita complained pointing at Jason.

"That's offensive," he chuckled.

"Oh my god," Glenn muttered, shaking his head, getting into the drivers seat.

He listened to them all bicker on the way there, until they in finally stopped.

"Can I go with Tara now?" Rosita asked, as they stepped out of the car.

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