Chapter 1: The Deal

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 A mischievous little demon spun around in a spinning chair for fun as he awaited his close friend to arrive, stopping to set his feet on the desk in front of him hearing his friend enter and speak.

 "I see that your manners are the same." A big man spoke.

 That man who had just entered into the office room that belonged to him was that little demon's close friend.

 This tall glass of hunky water of a man stood a tall height of six-foot-three, towering over the smaller demon. Dark brown tuffs of hair flowed out from this man, connected by sideburns that followed the sharp jawline not reaching the adorable little chin hair he had. Meaty muscles were bulging nicely from the man's gray silk shirt and his leather jacket covering his juicy biceps. Mixing the handsome facial features plus the hunk of a body made the tiny demon quite hungry, but to the demon's disappointment, that fallen angel as no interest in anything that doesn't have big delicious melons.

 This was Ki.

 "My manners are at the top of my list, anything for my bestie friend." Rimmon chuckled swishing his thin finger through the air.

 "I have a job for you Rim."

 "Pfft!" Rimmon covered his mouth with a hand to keep his laugh in. Ki looked at Rimmon with a questioning look, the man was kind of clueless with jokes. "Straight to the point, you don't have anything else to say? 'how's life going' or 'It's great to see ya again Rim'." Rimmon finished kicking off the desk to spin around in the chair.

 "This is serious business and I know you need the work, plus I think you'll find this job quite fun." Ki smirked.

 "I'm listening." Rimmon slowly rested his elbows on the desk placing his chin on his hands.

 "I'm sure you know King Draken?"

"Who doesn't." Rimmon scoffed dumbfounded by anyone who didn't know him.

 King Draken, the ruler over the expansive kingdom of Operiel. The eye-pleasing King became a King at a very early age due to the unexpected death of his father. To Rimmon, King Draken beat Ki on every and all levels of sexiness, with soft fluffy dirty blonde hair atop a build better than Ki's.

 "Come back to reality Rim." Ki snapped his long fingers to bring his friend out of his daydreaming.

 "So what do you want me to do? Pictures of him naked in the shower or something more explicit." Rimmon grinned acting out a camera in his hand along with a 'click' noise.

 "Rim. . ." Ki softly chuckled pinching the bridge of his nose. "Never change do you Rimmy." Ki looked to his friend with a softened look, the seriousness gone for a brief second before coming right back. "I need you to steal something from him." Ki's mood was scary.

 Rimmon stopped dead still, Rimmon looked at his close friend and for the first time this whole conversation, not having anything really to say nor any jokes. Rimmon was shocked by what Ki was asking him to do, steal whatever it was from that powerful man.

 "Your objective is to steal King Draken's golden key." Ki explained.

 "A key?"

 "Yes, we have knowledge that King Draken has one of the Zodiac Keys.

 "Which one?!"

 "We believe he has Aries."

 "Typical for a dragon to have a fire Zodiac Key." Rimmon leaned back into the chair tense.

 "I need you to infiltrate his castle and take the Key." Ki said nonchalantly.

 "You mean 'Draken's' Key." Rimmon adds raising an eyebrow.

 "Come on Rimmy, if anyone can steal it, you can."

 "I'm a good thief but stealing a Zodiac Key, especially from King Draken himself, that's even a suicide mission for a demon like myself." Rimmon explains to him. "Plus I would be sticking out in that castle being the demon I am." I tell Ki.

"Yes." Ki replied still with no emotion in his voice. "I do know a demon that can shape-shift." Ki finally showed a little emotion as a small smile crept onto his face.

 "What do I get in return?" Rimmon crossed his small arms over his chest.

 "Whatever you want." Ki replied crossing his larger arms over his big chest. "So what is it Rimmy." Ki challenged.

 "My freedom." Rimmon looked straight into Ki's eyes knowing all too well that Ki wouldn't be happy about his wish. "To be free from Hell and to explore the world without permission." Rimmon finished seeing Ki's eyes going a few shades dark.

 "Rim. . ." Ki lowly said. "I will go ahead and grant that wish of yours, but please listen to me for a minute." Ki added real quick continuing before Rimmon could object, "Having freedom comes with very unexpected problems, more so since you're a demon." Ki tried his best to sway his friend's wish. "May I suggest an alternate?" Ki lastly said.

 Rimmon was furious on the inside, wide eyes hurt with how Ki was trying to switch his mind on his wish.

 "You seriously trying to pick my wish for me." Rimmon said deadpanned.

 "Please just hear me out Rimmy."

 "Why should I listen?" Rimmon exclaimed.

 "You can have your freedom but please could I accompany you." Ki asked.

 Rimmon bites his bottom lip looking away from his friend holding everything in. Everything Ki spoke about to Rimmon wasn't actual freedom, Ki's words were the total opposite of what Rimmon wanted.

 "I don't want you getting hurt, or worse." Ki's words had Rimmon biting harder and turning slightly red.

 Rimmon was glad that at least one person cared about him.

 "You're always busy and I want to head out, what then?" Rimmon says. From Rimmon's sentence, Ki's eyes lighten back up to their normal shade since he knew that Rimmon would accept his wish. Both saw one another's sadness in each other's eyes by the slight compromise. "I guess that's why I'm making this deal with you, 'cause I can wait for a friend," Rimmon said with a smile.

 "My Rimmy." Ki held a hand out with a huge smile, something very rare and made Rimmon happy to see his friend do, a small flame ignited in Ki's bigger hand awaiting the smaller hand of Rimmon's.

 "My 'Ki'nd master." Rimmon giggled grasping Ki's hand and having the small flame burst into a full-on fire before calming down and slowly dying out before completely gone leaving burn scars on the two hands showing proof.

(A/N) Lets start this story off like this XD

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