Meeting Canada-Common Customer

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[Y/N's PoV]

It was just like any other day. Working in the same diner for the past two years. I would think that it would be quite depressing, but it's actually rather fun. Meeting new people, being friendly, getting tips for being nice. (and maybe a few men who gave me tips for good looks.) There were a few people who came very often who I like to call my friends. Especially one man that comes everyday and orders the same thing every time. A stack of five pancakes that he drowns in maple syrup. He was really cute, actually. Bright blue eyes behind a thin pair of glasses and blonde soft looking hair with a bit sticking out and a curl in the middle. I do believe his name is Matthew. I see him walk into the diner and sit at his usual seat and I bring him his usual order. He has this pet which looks like a polar bear which I think he calls Kuma. I place his order in front of him with a smile. He looks up to me and smiles.

"Thanks, Maple."

He says sweetly.

"No problem Mattie."

I reply with a smile. His smile soon fades and it changes to an expression that I can't read.

"Something wrong?"

I ask. I looks up and shakes his head.

"N-no, I was just thinking that I probably won't be able to eat all of these by myself. W-when is your shift over, (Y/N)."

He says. I smile, knowing what he's meaning.

"I'll ask my boss if I can be let go early."

At that, I walk away to ask my boss. He's really nice, so I'm sure he won't mind. I don't get to leave early but he allowed me a break. I take off my apron and name tag and head over to Matthew's table. We've talked a few times but mainly about random things so I guess I could finally get to know more about him instead. I smile as I sit down across from him and grab a fork, ready to eat.


I say with a smile. He looks up and smiles, too.


He smiles back. We both start eating the pancakes while chatting and telling jokes.

"So, Mattie."

I say after we've calmed down from laughing a bit.

"Tell me about you."

He looks up to me with a confused expression. 

"What about me?"

He asks.

"Well, I don't know. Your family, friends. What you want in life the most."

I explain.

"Umm, I don't have friends, what I want in life the most is friendship. A woman that I love and that loves me."

I smile at his response.

"Well I can help you with the friend part."

I reply. I write my number down on my napkin and hand it to him before standing up and picking up the dishes in the process.

"I have to get back to work. It was nice getting to know you more. Be sure to call me."

I say with a smile. I see a slight blush on his cheeks but it instantly disappears and he looks up to me and smiles.

"Will do."

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