Chapter 1 part 2-2

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Damn why did I have to stutter I mentally cursed myself. I sat there eying Nathan watching him closely waiting for Mr. Dean are french teacher to get to class. He always tended to be late. Searching the class room to see what students I had to deal with this year I seen Becca and Shawna they where the worst girls in school they bullied everyone and everything and slept around with allot of men but Shawna liked older men I figured that out last year whenever she was trying to hook up with Mr. Dean.

Mr. Dean was indeed handsome 6'4 dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, ok who am I kiddin he was stunning I had a crush on him since 9th grade weird to say but he was different thene other teachers but intelegent enough to know he had girls drewling over him so he had a huge EGO.

Hearing the bell go off I look up at the clock late as always I Guesse that was his way of making an entrence. Zeus comes in class with a smirk making the girls looks even more desperate thee they already are.

He heads are way and takes the empty seat behind me. I glare at him for a couple instentce braking off to see Mr, D ((I will refer to him as Mr. D for short instead of Mr. Dean)) walking in class to his desk. greeting the class

'' Hello, everyone nice to see you guys after the long summer hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did , as you all might have noticed we have a new student joining us this year Mr, Falcom '' he answerd as the girls started chirping away obviously aware of the new hotty in town.

Class went off to a boring start but what did I expect it was school. I could feel Zeus burning holes in the back of my head as he store at me. I gracefully kept my head straight not paying any attention to him. Mr, D had giving us  an assignment to write on another student like a short biography except writing in french. He explained are criteria to this he assigned us partners I was partnered up with Nathan.

I wasn't truthfully upset to be with him he seemed like a gentleman. Except for the part that since we where a univen number there was one groupe of three and with my luck Zeus had been put as are third wheeler.

The teacher gave out are papers and orderd we get started since it had to be giving in the following day. I sat at my desk waiting for one of theme to brake the ten tion Nathan started by asking me ignoring Zeus completely which appeird to make him upset

'' What is your date of birth?'' he questioned me bitting his lower lip. Tensing abit as I watched him bite his lip I answered trying to make it seem like that move hasn't affected me.

'' September 27'' .

Zeus attempted to brake off Nathan  and my little stare down by clearing his throat which hadn't worked so he tried it once more. Obviously making Nathan aware of it this time. He smirked and jotted the info down on the paper.

Looking up once more to try and catch my eyes I blush feeling my stomach tingle. Zeus took the opportunity to get my attention

'' Do you have a girlfriend'' he asked mentally congradulation himself for sounding like a total jerk.

I gulped looking up at Nathan who was know smirking

'' yes I actually do but she is in Spain ''

I felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest I couldn't help but feel this way I think in the last hour I kinda expected him to be single with the way he talked to me not to mention the '' beautiful'' comment.

I looked up at the clock to see the bell was to go off any second. I waited patiently placing my papers back in my binder. Hearing the bell ring I got up and headed to the door Nathan following closely from behind me a little surprised by his action I turn to look at him expecting an explanation for his girlfriend and why he had flirted with me if he was already taken.

Seeming to read my face he placed his arm over my shoulder and laughed

'' don't worry Natasha I dont have a girlfriend'' confused I raise my eyebrow at him waiting for explanation.

'' I told him that so he could backe off he obviously has something going with you the way he glared at me when I talked to you and the way he looks at you'' he reformed.

Catching me off guard a little shocked by his statement I shrug my shoulders not knowing what to say. I never felt anything for Zeus he was a player all he knew was how to play his cards.

Happy that he hadn't Ben taking we walk to my locker he shows me his schedule we have 3 classes together out of 4 not bad so we headed to are next class that had Ben math.

Next class went by so fast I was to occupied by what Nathan had said about Zeus had he ben jealous about Nathan and I talking.

I shrugged it off realizing it was know lunch time...


I left a little cliff hanger hehehe. next chapter gets better ^_^

Chapter 1 part 1-2Where stories live. Discover now