Once a pon a time ther was a boy who's name is ash his a pokemon trainer his frends are cilen and iris . A boy walk he was making a video so ash and his frends are helping the boy, so ash and his frends are making there costume. Ash was the night , his partner was picachu and cilen was the pirate who stole the princess , iris was the dragon master . So they were shoting the movie ,capten cilen stole the princess , but ash the knight and his partner picachu use tunder bolt . But capten cilen and his pokemon use bulet seed! Ash the knight went to go to the powerful iris ,ash battle the powerful iris ,so picachu can get strong to batlle silen again . So he use tunder bolt with electroble to doble the power . when ash wins he went back to save the princess ,ash use tunderbolt with electroble and ash win , but team rocket show up and stole zorwa ! they use an electric box.Ash the night and his picachu use tunder bolt and save zorwa.capten cilen battle team rocket, team rocket blaste off again ,the real princess was iris the powerful iris.THE END!