1 - "Louis who?"

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           (there is smut in this so if you don’t like smut then don’t read it once it gets sexual)

I sigh and walk down the cold streets of London, toward a local park that I go to when I’m having a shit day. I usually have a shit day, so, I go to this park quite often. I own a tiny apartment in a shitty part of town and it’s urban, ghetto, trashy, and ugly. I have a job as a waiter and I have a minimum wage salary. I look down at my feet when suddenly I see another pair walking in my direction. I ended up running into someone. I fell back on my bum. Blushing, I stood up and looked at the boy. “M’sorry, was daydreamin’, m’sorry..” was all the chap managed to get out. I looked closer as those green eyes stared into mine. My heard filled with glee and my smile grew. “H-Harry?” was all I got out before the boy mumbled a small ‘shit’ and looked at me. “Look, if you’re a fan, I can give you an autograph, but if you’re a paparazzi, I’ll ruin your life, I swear.” He whispered to me. I raised an eyebrow. “Harry, don’t be silly, it’s me. Louis.” I whispered back, smiling. He rolled his eyes. “Louis who?” I frowned. He really didn’t remember me. “You’ve got to remember, c’mon mate, I was your best friend back in high school… your boyfriend.” Harry’s eyes grew wide as I spoke that last sentence. “Look, stop playing around. I don’t ever remember being gay, ever. And I never will be! I don’t know who you are, nor do I care. Just go away and leave me be!” he hissed, venom in his words as he shoved me out of his way and walked on. Tears filled my eyes. “H-Hazza, please,” He turned back. That’s when realization hit him. “Louis..?” He whispered, walking back over to me. He thumbed away the warm tears that hit my cheeks. Someone gasped and screamed out, “OH MY GOD, IT’S HARRY STYLES!” He took my hand and we ran into an alleyway. “How about we go somewhere more private, yeah? You’ve got an apartment, yeah?” he asked, desperation practically dripping from his voice. I nodded and we walked there, thankfully unseen.

                “Nice place you’ve got.” Harry murmured, even though we both knew it was horribly ugly. “Make yourself comfortable.” I stated, walking over to the fridge. “Beer?” I asked, raising an eyebrow back at the boy as he sat on the couch. “Yeah, thank you,” He nodded. I grabbed two and tossed one to him as I sat. I looked over at him as he opened it, bringing it to his plump lips. I opened mine as well, taking a swig and setting it down on the coffee table. Harry did the same. “Harry,” I began, looking over at him. He looked back at me. “D-do you still cut?” He went pale as I asked him that, but he nodded. I frowned. “Show me?”  “Lou, they’re kind of... on my upper thighs.” “Oi, s’not like I haven’t seen you naked before. For god’s sake I’ve fucked you.” He nodded, and with that he stripped off his bottoms and boxers. I frowned at the excessive amount of cuts that lined his thighs, like lined paper. And, shit, were they deep. He put his trousers back on and I frowned. “Harry, darling, why? You’ve a nice life. You can buy anything in the world, for god’s sake.” He sighed. “I don’t care about money.. It’s like nobody cares about me for me anymore. Just because I’m Harry Styles, You know? It sucks.” I nodded. I guess I could feel his pain, though at the same time I couldn’t. He looked at me, taking my hand and kissing me cheek. I pulled away. “Harry, you were being kind of jerky to me today.. I’m not quite ready to just jump back into us.” “Please, Louis, just this once.. for old time’s sake.” I sighed and leaned in, kissing him softly. That soft kiss turned into a rough kiss. That rough kiss turned into a full-on make out session. God, did it feel right. “Louis, ungh..” Harry moaned softly, already hard. I smirked a bit. “Already hard for me, yeah? He just whined and nodded, laying back on the couch. We both stripped ourselves of our clothes. “Louis, please…” Harry was always one of those people who had so many kinks.  I rolled my eyes slightly as he got on all fours. I slapped a small red mark onto his left arse cheek. I was slightly angry at him, so it felt kind of good to finally relieve some of it. “That’s for never calling,” I hissed. I smacked harder. “That’s for never writing,” “M-more,” he grunted. “That’s for never visiting me,” Smack. “And that’s for forgetting me!” He looked back at me, his cheeks red and abused. I kissed the burning skin softly, making Harry hiss slightly. He nibbled his lip. I stopped there. “Sorry, Harry, Sorry.. got a bit carried away.” He smirked cheekily. “Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it,” He added slyly. We put our clothes back on and sat back on the couch, finishing our beers like nothing ever happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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