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Dhauryn's POV

Professor Hunter entered the class and everyone groaned. He always makes the lesson less lively. He started his normal routine, which includes talking bunch and glaring at people to stop what they are doing. Minutes into the class, A guy just appeared in the middle of nowhere. He seems to distract the lesson because everyone turned to look at him. Being curious,  I decided to take a glance. And there before me was the guy I happened to bump into some weeks ago. I rested my head on my table trying to avoid the guy the whole period.  I learnt his name is Harry Styles which kinda is my name but mine ends with a "z"  whilst his ends with an "s". I continued with my operation and succeeded when the bell eventually rang. I spranged up and went out the door hurriedly.  Phew!, I breathed a sigh of relief when I know the coast is clear. I walked over to my friends and continued the day like always trying to erase the image of the green eyed guy. Hopefully,I was able to qvoid him throughout the day. We mostly have lessons together but I sit far from where he is.

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As of now, i am preparing to go home. I am about to walk through those doors which leads to the hallway when I bump into a hard body. Again, due to bad luck I knew I would be bruised the next time I look in the mirror.  Like replay in a football match, a pair of arms caught me. I was about to apologize but the person beat me to it and chuckled softly.I adjusted myself well and took a look at the person and there I was met again with the most beautiful green eyes ever which I was ignoring the whole time. I gave him a questioned look which he chuckled to again."Are you always this clumsy?".He askes with eyebrows up."Excuse me?".I was totally confused."The last time I saw you, we were in this position and now here we are".He replied with a smirk. I scoffed and walked away from him but a hand gripped my waist preventing me from walking further.I turned and glared at the guy infront of me."Why were you ignoring me today?"he asked breaking the silence. I looked at him like he had grown two heads and he continued."I know you sit beside me in class because your outfit and hair shows it all.Ohh was all I could say. He asked for my name which I unwillingly told him. He seems to hint the fact that we have the same last names which I didn't pay attention to. We were now staring at each other increasing the thickness of the air which I was suffocating.

Was reaaaaaaly shoooort I know that promise to make it up to you.....dont forget to vote and comment and private message me anytime........LUV YA!!!!!!!  BYE EVERYONE! !!!!!!

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