Chapter 1 | I Really Didn't Do This Thing

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The first day of college was already turning out to be quite interesting for me.

I had already been winked at for the umpteenth time and still, the guys hadn't turned up.

I guess, some things never changed.

The thought made me smile to myself. The boys—Jayden, Dennis, Chase and Ashton were the only real friends I had while growing up.

Just like me, they were all second-generation heirs; filthy rich, spoiled brats who didn't really give a fvck about anything. But we kept each other sane in this untrustworthy world of endless money.

But I couldn't say that they weren't a bad influence.

I wasn't that much of a slacker up until elementary school but once we got to know each other in the middle school, the standard of my punctuality and academics only went down.

It was only at the start of the senior year that we had managed to up our grades a bit, after a good tongue-lashing from our families. They were barely enough to make up to the Stanford entrance cutoff...I'd like to believe it was my phenomenal essay on The Tumultuous Teenage and Its Troubles that got me in.

Still, I couldn't say, I wanted to study.

Studying was a chore, and how could someone expect me-the rich heir to do chores?

I rolled my eyes as a freshman walked by me, her features pulled into a look of dazed admiration before she was forced to look away due to the group of sophomore girls headed her way.

Honestly, now that I really paid attention...the lingering stares were beginning to annoy me beyond explanation.

Sighing, I threw an impatient glance at the gates of the University.

And that's when I saw her.

It was almost an accident really.

It was nothing like the sort you see in movies-the girl turning, in all her beautified glory, her hair flying as the guy stares open-mouthed.


Rather it was an unusually quiet entrance, with a head of black hair visible above the crowd, giving an impression that whoever the girl was, she was taller than most girls.

Now I didn't usually go around looking up and describing random girls like this (or maybe I did) but there was something about her that made her stand out amongst the crowd, apart from that height factor of course.

When I saw her eyes, my heart flipped. It was the brown-est pair of eyes I had ever encountered. All wide and inquisitive as if they were seeing the place for the first time, which they might as well be-as most of the crowd here consisted of freshmen like me who had always dreamt of Stanford as their dream college but seeing it for the first time was getting too much to handle.

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