the note and the fake post

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she arrived at school the next day and went straight to kenya and asked her if she talked to him. "yea i did, he was petty upseat ill tell you everything in class" In class she told her that he cryed and he didn't want to talkto her, which made more seice because he didn't respond to ANY text jessica sent and Mr. Hale annoced t was a free lift day we could do anything we want so jessica while kenya and brooke ditched to aplly make up talked to megan about everything. She stared to cry annocing to meganthat she wanted to die make her cry even harder.

Megan hugging her shaking body told her that was stupid and she loved her and she was always there for her. Jessica continued to sob. After her breakdown in athletic training then there was math, jessica wrote him a full emotionally blown note telling her she loved him and she was sorry and stupid and gave it to kenya to deliver. At fith period she wanted to retrive then note cause she thought it was no use so she decided to get her stuff for the next class and find kenya and at her locker was him. with the note. she ran into his arms and cryed as her body shook apoligizing to him. "it's not your fault" he comforted her and they talked about getting back together as she was never so happy. that whole day had been hell crying every class period wanting to just run away and die somehow but in his arms she felt better safe and complete.

That next day was hell. She heard from quinten he cheted on her multipl times and currentally has a thing with carrie the girl he swore he was "just friends" with. Mckenize said some cheating info also and jessica did something she regreted. but at the moment was pleased with. Out of bitter anger and heartbreak posted a comment onto her facebook about her having a "crush" on someone else and he confronted her on the post and so did his sister, she instally regreted it. she talked to his sister and she talked to her the whole night cause he barley would she cryed her self to sleep and can't sleep even now, barley eats and non stop thinks about how pathetic she feels. she might not ever get this amazing special boy back whom she got seperated by by rumors. and she hated herself. she almost said goodye to the world but she decide to stll fight. she also decided to write him this story about her side of the story cause he kinda hates her... so jordan here is my story. i love you. im sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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