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This is not over I'll be back and I'm gonna make you suffer and you'll see how I make her mine...

His words still echo inside my head. Is already a week and see everybody worried. Max put more security around his lands his
That day we didn't talk beside dad giving me a huge lecture for the reckless way I behave...But I have to do it.....
I could feel it his emotions...worries....his pain all because off me. I know we are not in good terms but we can't cover reality like we know it...
I'm his mate. I should be happy...but each time I look into his eyes he doesn't feel please with me at least that what he make me feel...
Adeleine are you coming?......Looking my brother face all glowing
Off course.....I said smiling finished with my dress taking his arm and we walk out to the barn they have a party...
Max place is like a little village almost at the top of the mountain very protect and cover from the forest have a little bit of everything except the mall...logical...
But I always love this place there was a few times I visited but never stepping out or have the opportunity to look around..
The place was clean and prepared full of lights tables fill with food the kids running happy...the music..families everybody happy...a simple moment of peace. I know Timothy won't stop. I know he would be back bringing pain ......
A joyful moment for his people and they deserved it....the moon ceremony. Actually is a blessing thing I know because Dad tough me....
When his Alpha received more power and wisdom in this case Max each pack is different since his the Alpha in a very young age is like celebrated his birthday and everybody is invited..
Now they know. I'm his mate....there Luna...a position I don't think I ... Never mind. I'm just said I'm not prepared for was coming
Luna dance with me.......
I'm just smile glowing to one of the kids lowing myself showing my hand
I'm honor... I said walking to the dance area and dance with him and other kids who approaching
I was so totally lost in the sound of that guitar the sound of the cord ...the emotions ......until I turning and see the stage who was the one who's playing losing my breath....Max

Finishing playing my part leaving the guitar to one of the guys and step away from the stage everybody look happy. They live happy and I'm glad...
Part of been an alpha is not only protecting my people...the people I'm care and love....
Hey...Alpha Max.....
Moving my eyes down to one of my lovely ladies
Gwen, you look beautiful.... I said trying not to smile very seriously.
Did you like it?. I'm wearing it for you...Gwen said glowing moving around in circle her new pink dress
I'm honor....I said moving my hand at my chest and taking her hand and walk to the dance floor lifting her in my arms
Mom and dad said there happy for you because you find your Luna...Gwen said moving her little arms at my chest a little sad and I notice
You're not happy?.....I ask curious. She nodding her head negative but I'm knowing why...
I though if you wait a little more I could be your Luna but it didn't work I'm growing up to slow..... Gwen said very innocent looking at her sorry. I didn't know what to said moving my lips at her forehead
For me you still beautiful you gonna be a wonderful beautiful gorgeous girl and when you find your guy and he's bad with you let me handle him. I'm gonna put him in his place....I said seriously
Really!......Gwen said excited
You have my word....

Is strange and lovely see him with the girl. How he expression changed from dark to light...bringing this strange emotion in the pit of my stomach
May I have this dance.....
I'm just closing my eyes smiling
Of said taking his hand and we starting dancing
Where's mom....I ask amused resting my head at his shoulder looking around
Getting beautiful..... Dad said smiling circle me around we keep dancing smiling enjoying he let go my hand in one turning taking my hand back and pulling me softly and gentle
You glowing tonight.......
The music changed for something more slow
My whole body tensed looking around and see my dad smiling pointed at him moving my eyes up....
Hi......I said feeling my cheeks blushing because of his proximity. He just smile moving his hand at my waist and we continued dancing very synchronized...and slow....
Again no words but he only getting tensed when I'm moving my hands very aware of each other emotions even when I'm breathing...Max making a low growling actually a very lovely sound....
Congratulations.......Alpha Max
Listening her voice behind me and see he knows her because his hands keeping me more tightly and pretty tensed
Thanks.....Evangeline.... Max said uncomfortable
She must be your famous Luna.....she said looking for my face. I'm just turning around a little difficult because he don't want let me go....
Alpha Max a little help of the band said showing the guitar. He look at both of us but more at her.
You better behave....Max said walking at the stage taking his guitar and see everybody join him
And you are?.....I ask without care facing her
Don't flatter yourself sweetheart Max and I have a long long intimate acknowledged from each other. Before you was born so don't considered yourself important.... Evangeline said smiling looking at him and applause. That leave me a sour sensation moving my eyes from her to him..
So you two..... I'm only ask pointed at him. She move her hand over her red hair in seductive way a body and clothes breathtaking. Making me feel like a scholar foolish crushing ...girl
You can be his Luna but when he look for a real woman he knows where to find me...she said smiling. I couldn't answer because there was people his people and mine around me stepping back .
Then both live happy ever after....
And I'm simple just walk out.....

I'm just playing and everybody singing having a good time a sharp pain in my heart make me look around ...
Watching Adeleine leaving the party area moving my eyes automatically at Evangeline all smiling shrinking her shoulders at me...
One the music end I leave the guitar and walk anger at her
Okay don't look at me pretty bad few truth can't hurt her ..Evangeline said innocent moving her hands through my chest. Im grabbing her wrists tightly
That hurt..... Evangeline said surprised...
I'm boiling right now....
Stay away from her....I said fighting the urged to hurt her but I can't leaving her hand and leaving her side
What she got that make her so special. She's a kid at your side...Evangeline said walking behind me. Turning growling pretty anger at her and see moving her head down in respect
She's not only your Luna. She's my mate so next time show her respect because I won't if you keep messing with her...

I'm just walk back at the house everything was solitary only the guards everybody was at the party...
Going upstairs to my room...
Yeah.... In a courage influenced without telling him I took all my things and move to one of many guest room of this house having one very apart from his room. I'm right now in one corner in the right having a beautiful night view ..
Already shower the door locked and dress wearing a nightgown actually in red very comfortable ....okay actually sexy is a negligee but not very revealing. I'm just need my moral up that's all...
But I don't have any sleep at all taking a book and reading it resting my back at one side of the window lost in my book ...I didn't even notice I wasn't alone until I felt his breath behind my neck...
What are you doing here?....I said closing the book at moving it tightly against my chest in protective way.
You left......Max said behind me
I wasn't feel good and I don't want it worried you....I said tensed. He move his hand slowly taking my book away and leave it over the sofa and moving his hands at my hips
Why you lying?.......Max said pretty low his lips like feathers behind my ears
I'm not......I said gasping
You walk out because Evangeline provoked you....Max said moving his hands taking mine and crossing it over my stomach making his body more closer. His lips already making my whole body trembling waiting for more
What are you doing?.....I said difficult to breathing
His respiration a little out of control he keep his lips on my neck brushing....making small bites...provoking my skin in many ways he move one hand under my nightgown at my thigh caressing very softly gentle closer to.....but he didn't crossing more up but I don't need it ....
I can't breath legs are like jelly if he let me go I'm fall...his lips started move more possessive..In some form his trying to control himself but is obviously doesn't work on him. Until in the back of my brain warning me knowing he's going to marked me.
Max.......I said closing my eyes fighting I don't know what but...
Forgive me but I have to do it...Max said with husky voice embracing me again feeling his teeth breaking my skin...
The painful sensation running in my system burning me like been poison....a pieces of memory....his.....emotions ....words....i can listening him......even right now....inside of me made me fighting him....
Until he released my neck keeping his arm around me
Don't fight it.....Max said focus on me
It hurts.......I said feeling suddenly weak and like I have suddenly fever. Max move his hands lifting me and carried me to the bed lying me gentle. I'm just still fighting getting more weak tired out of place
Don't fight it...please...accept me.....Max said worried brushing his lips in my forehead lying his body next to me embracing me
All his to much...
Finally surrender myself and not feeling the pain and the burning sensation no more..I'm just accepted him like my mate
Max breath out in relief moving me over his chest resting my head very tired his hand on my back caressing pretty gentle sending this unknown emotion to my whole system...but also feeling sleeping. His hand on my face making me look at him and notice our eyes changing. I though he was going to kiss me but he didn't moving his lips at my forehead I'm just bury my head at his neck
That's my have some rest....we talk tomorrow...
I'm just some form feeling used and sad
He knew what was I thinking or feeling because he make me look at him again his eyes totally red like blood but I can reflect myself in them
His lips over mine very very sweet... short..innocent..hugging me again
Thank you for accepting me.....

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