Chapter 2: New look

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Edited 1/23/23

 The deal was made, no backing out now. What the Hell did I get myself into. . .

Rimmon ran this question in his head over and over again behind the smiling mask he displayed for Ki. This really is a suicide mission yet Rimmon still took the job even after not having his demands met, but the idea of being able to leave this heated armpit of a place was all the convincing Rimmon needed to take such a job. Rimmon had no clue as to why he wanted to leave Hell so very bad, a longing in his chest that ached to be free.

"You'll have to start by changing your appearance." Ki stood at his tall height.

"Wouldn't have guessed." Sarcasm dripped from Rimmon's words following in Ki's motion and standing too.

"I'll be right back with some women's clothing." Ki made his way for the door.

"Who said I was going as a female?" Rimmon raised a single brow making Ki stop in his tracks halfway to the door looking back at the small demon with a tired expression.

"Are you going as a female?" Ki asked crossing his strong arms and chuckling slightly as he watched Rimmon slowly nod his head in defeat before exiting the room.

Watching Ki leave Rimmon took a breath to himself, for a moment to collect everything he was about to go through. With that calm moment, Rimmon reached up into the air stretching his body, bones popping in the process as well. Rimmon has been stuck down in the depths of Hell for as long as he can remember, the oldest memory Rimmon has in this hot place is Ki's face. The first being Rimmon has ever met and the only one to stay with him here. While Rimmon really didn't have a clue what Ki did besides land him some jobs and help him find clients. Rimmon did a little something you could call entertainment. All kinds, rough, safe, kinky, stinky, anything you can think of or name Rimmon has experienced it all. After this whole time though, the pleasure has faded into nothing now to Rimmon, last time he had some real action was being wrecked by the Jersey Devil.

What a guy. . .

Stepping in front of the mirror placed in the room, Rimmon's appearance was one of a teen in their later years or early twenties even though Rimmon could not place his age. Short raven black hair tipped with a dark red that seemed chaotic and spiked around plus his young pale face added to his guessed age. Rimmon was slender but with some muscle and wore only the same clothes that he had awoken in Hell with.

"I've brought your clothes in." Ki reentered the room looking over to Rimmon, "and why haven't you changed yet?" Ki asked as he walked over to his desk placing the clothes down.

"Trying to guess how I want to look, any idea on the kind of women the King enjoys? Big, small, thick, dick, no dick?" Rimmon giggled to himself watching Ki roll his eyes through the mirror.

"No clue one bit but can tell you that you're going to be a servant. So, whatever they would look like." Ki replied taking his seat behind his desk.

"Medium then." Rimmon said getting closer to the mirror reaching out with one hand and placing it on the glass. Ki watched as a female appeared in the mirror looking back at Rimmon, her hand on the other side of the glass touching Rimmon's.

The idea of there being a place on the other end of a mirror messed with Ki's mind making him shake his head slightly as went on with Rimmon's mysterious power.

Ki continued to watch as the female in the mirror slowly faded away and Rimmon's appearance changed before his eyes. Rimmon's raven black hair grew and put into a long braid down his back, the red tips gone now. Rimmon's pale turned into a more healthy hue of white. Rimmon turned around locking dark forest green eyes with Ki's red dots. Same height as before, more defined and rounded chest, hips, and butt.

"What's with the ears and tail?" Ki's eyes moved from the top of Rimmon's head where white cat ears sat, to his slender feminine legs where a white feline tail swayed.

"What can I say, I'm a cat person." Rimmon explained pouted at Ki.

"When was the last time you saw a white panther?"

"Nowhere. I've seen a wolf with more than four legs before, I look more reasonable than I actually do." Rimmon ranted moving over to look over the clothes.

"We have a suitcase with more clothes packed in it along with other things you'll need. I have your maid's paperwork to get into the castle and live in the maid quarters below the floating island." Ki told Rimmon sliding a file over to him.

As Rimmon read through the file Ki asked "Can you change your voice, possibly personality as well."

"I can do anything you wish Master Ki." Rimmon said calmly bowing his head in a somewhat soft female voice.

"Impressive." Ki slowly stood from his chair taking his time around his desk over to the still-bowing Rimmon. "Who is this cute little servant?" Ki said huskily standing by Rimmon's side lifting his head by his chin to get a better look at Rimmon's new look.

"It's Cozbi Master Ki." Rimmon replied.

"Can you bring me that glass of water over there?" Ki asked motioning over the only filled glass of water sitting on the table opposite Ki's desk.

"Yes, Master Ki." Rimmon made no move till Ki released his chin to fetch the glass.

Turning back to face Ki after retrieving the glass, Ki was staring intently at Rimmon, or at Cozbi now.

"If the King does not approve, I sure will." Ki sat on his desk taking the glass from Cozbi. "I'll have an escort for you once you began your trip to Operiel. You are now Cozbi till the job is completed, not Rimmon." Ki lastly said.

"Understood Master Ki." Cozbi bowed again quickly before exiting the room. 

(A/N) Chapter two, hurray! Just try really hard to imagine what they look like from my horrible description of the characters, srry for that. Hope you likey the story.

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