The Evening Suit - Part 1

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After approximately 6 months of living with the renowned genius, John found himself at his breaking point. He needed for Sherlock to be his - or he needed to at least take a chance.

The blonde soldier walked into the flat after work one day, throwing his hat into his chair and went into the kitchen where he knew that his flatmate would be working on an experiment. That's all Sherlock did while the older man was at work. He was either on a case if one came up or experimenting.

John grabbed himself a beer and looked at his best friend for a long moment, mustering up the courage. "Go on a date with me? Tonight?" Yes, he realised it didn't sound like much of a proper question, but that's all that came out and the medical student was glad he got at least that.

Those pale, blue-gray eyes went to meet his own ocean blue ones - they practically stared into his soul. John kept his eyes locked with the younger man's, afraid to look at his face to see his expression. He feared being rejected. After a long few moments, that deep, chilling voice erupted the silence with a yes. John exhaled heavily in relief and he took a drink of his beer, giving a bright, crooked smile.

That evening, John dressed in a suit - unusual for him - with a black, thin tie. He made sure his hair looked good before sneaking out of the flat. While Sherlock was sleeping earlier that evening, John had gone out and bought flowers.

Once the blonde was sure Sherlock was ready, he knocked on the door with a grin. The tall man opened it and looked confused before he spotted John with a bouquet of roses in his hand, he started laughing - the soldier kept his smile but sudden nervous flowed through him, he felt like he looked stupid and it was a dumb idea. The detective, of course, noticed and apologised, taking the flowers before pulling John into a hug and whispering a thank you.

John took him to the Galvin at Windows, treating him to an expensive dinner with fine wine. The raven haired man continuously tried to get the cheapest thing, but John wasn't having that. He consistently told him not to worry about all that, and eventually, the consulting detective listened. The blonde found himself unable to take his eyes off the omega, he was beautiful, and of course, John made it a point to say it constantly.

The entire evening felt like a dream. Everything about it was perfect - from the food to the wine to the stunning omega across from him. They talked the entire time about anything and everything. They never found themselves at a lack of things to talk about. The best part? It was so natural and easy.

John had been on many dates before, but this - what he had with Sherlock - it was so amazing. The blonde didn't feel the need to try and impress Sherlock, yes he had dressed up, and yes he had brought him to the nicest place he could think of, but it wasn't to impress the tall omega, it was to show he cared. John's other dates had been weird, some of them had been with women who only wanted sex, others had only wanted a night out, but Sherlock and John wanted to just be together and have fun - it was perfect.

That night, when they went home, they sat down and had some tea. The duo talked for another couple hours before they found themselves at one in the morning. Time had never slipped by the alpha so quickly, he'd never been able to talk so long and be so happy and so comfortable. He bid the omega goodnight and went to go upstairs. That's when Sherlock got up and grabbed his hand. When John turned to look at Sherlock, he leaned forward and kissed the shorter man gently and slowly.

John's entire world stopped and he kissed back just as the omega had. Once Sherlock pulled away, the alpha's heart was pounding, his lips were tingling, both of them had a blush upon their cheeks. The soldier looked up at the man and smiled fondly before hugging him and kissing his cheek.

John laid awake in bed, mind glued on the omega that he'd met by a slim chance. His lips still felt Sherlock's soft ones and he smiled to himself as he finally dozed off. It was then that he was positive Sherlock Holmes was the one he wanted forever.

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