Highway Don't Care

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Swiddleston one shot

"Get out okay? Just get out!" Taylor shouted as the tears spilled from her eyes, handing him his coat.

Tom took his coat from Taylor, took one last glance at her and left.

Taylor slammed the door behind him and slid down it, head in her hands, clunching her legs into her chest and let's her sobs out.


Taylor hardly ever googled her name in fear of what would come up but tonight was different.

She sat lonely on the couch waiting for Tom to arrive back from Comic-Con when a notification came up from a group chat she was on with her friends. She clicked open the notification.

Selena: Hey Taylor I'm so sorry.

Karlie: Hey Tay I saw what Tom said and Comic-con, I hope you're okay.

"What were they on about?" Taylor thought to herself.

Reluctantly I opened Google and started to type out my name.

Taylor is "just there" says Tom Hiddleston.

She opened up the website to see a video and presses play.

"So what's the status of you and Taylor, are you a thing?" A person from the crowd asks.

"Well, I mean she's an amazing person but I guess she's kinda just there," Tom announces into the microphone.

The video cuts off and Taylor started to break down but hears the door unlock so quickly pulls herself together.

"Hey babe," Tom greets, leaning over the couch and placing a soft kids in her lips.

"Hey," Taylor whispered quietly.

"Something smells nice," Tom admitted walking into the kitchen. Taylor follows behind.

"Yeah I've got a chicken pie in the oven it should be ready by now."

Minutes later they were sat around the table.

"So how was comic-con?" Taylor asked.

"It was okay, really fun actually."

"Did you get asked about me at all?"

"No," Tom lied.

"Liar," Taylor muttered under her breath.

Without her realizing Tom heard.


Panic ran through her as she decided to confront him.

"I know what you said Tom. I don't want to be 'just there'."

Tom ran his hands through his a hair.

"It wasn't what I sounded like. I had to say what my publicist told me to say. She doesn't like us being together Taylor you know that. I love you Taylor, so much."

"No, if you loved me Tom you would've ignored your publicist and said the truth. So don't say you love me!" Taylor ended shouting at him.

After Tom continuously trying to defend himself Taylor threw him out and that's what lead them where they are now.

*End of flashback*

Tom bashed his fists against the steering wheel as he started up the engine and pulled away from her house and I to the busy highway near by.

Hours passed and the more she doubted herself on whether she did the right thing.

She grabbed her guitar and started to scribble down some lyrics and starts to ring.

"The highway won't hold you tonight,
The highway don't know you're alive,
The highway don't care if you're all alone,
But I do, I do.
The highway won't dry your tears,
The highway don't need you here,
The highway don't care if you're coming home,
But I do, I do."

It felt like years has passed but in reality it had only been an hour. She put down her guitar and went to get a glass of water when her phone started to vibrate in her pocket.

She swiped to answer the call without looking for who it was and holds it up to her ear.


"Hi, I'm calling from UCLA hospital on regards of Mr Hiddleston," a doctor speaks down the line.

"What!? Is he okay?" Taylor trembled.

"He got in a car accident but if you could come down to the hospital we will explain fully when you get here."

Taylor spead down to the hospital and barged through the doors, going straight to the front desk.

"I'm here for Tom Hiddleston," she tells the lady.

"He's in block B room 13."

She thanks the lady then races for the elevator and to his room.

"Miss Swift?" The doctor Taylor was speaking to earlier got her attention.

"Mhm," Taylor mumbles back.

"Mr Hiddleston got in a collision with a truck on the highway this evening. We have done some scans and then have revealed that he has some internal bleeding to the brain. He is currently in surgery but feel free to wait in his room for him," the doctor informs her.

Hours passed and Tom was finally out of surgery. He may on the hospital bed under anaesthetic helplessly and all Taylor could do was pray he would be okay.

"I can't live without you, I can't live without you baby," Taylor sang quietly rubbing his hand soothingly.

She carried on singing quietly to him when his hand started to move slightly.

His eyes opened sutterly as Taylor realeased the breathe she didn't know she was holding.

"You're awake!" Taylor said excitedly, embracing him into a hug.

He groaned at her touch signalling the he was in slight pain.

Taylor called the doctors in and they ran a few routine checks and dosed him up on some pain medication to try and get his pain under control as had already bruised up all over his body from the crash.

"I'm so happy you're here," Taylor exhaled.

He looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"You got in an accident Tom. We had an argument and I kicked you out. You got in a collision with a truck," Taylor told him.

"Who are you?"


Hey hey hey guys, so I am finally starting a one shot book. I let this on a cliff hanger so if you want a sequel make sure to comment.

Also sorry if there's any mistakes it is currently half one in the morning, I'll check through it when I wake up.

Feel free to leave idea below, they can be about anything and based on any relationship Taylor has had I don't mind.

Anyway I really hope you will enjoy these as much as I will writing them.

-Faye 📖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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