The two men

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I woke up in shock and when I did, I was at the back of a truck. The truck sudenly came to a hult. When it did two big shadows emerged. They were shadows of men. Big, huge and hulky men. They came out the truck and stood at the front of the truck.

"What shall we do with her?" Said the taller of the two.

" We will leave her there for now. She will not wake up for another two hours." The one who said this was the strangest looking man I had ever seen.

The two men headed to a large looking house. Through the window you could see people having a party and dancing. The two men stepped in and when they came out there was another man. This man unlike the other two was very fat. He also was smoking a cigar. He handed the men some money. Then he stammered back to the large house. I saw from the window that for a moment the party had stoped. But soon after it was back on track.

I lay in the truck my mind driffting in many directions. Long later I heard the soft voice rushing through my head yet again. It was telling me, telling me to get out of the truck and go into the large house. " What the..." I exclaimed. Why should I do that. I said to myself. My mind was suddenly controled I went out of the truck. realising what I had done I quikly went back in. Then suddenly I remembered a story. A true story.

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