Chapter 3: Getting Reaquainted

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Hermione turned pale as she saw Harry disappear. She quickly rushed out of the room ignoring the shaking in her legs and quickly opened the door. "Harry!" But of course she knew he was already gone. Draco turned looking up at Hermione. "He's gone.." He said once again stating the obvious. Hermione took a few quick strides towards Draco glaring at him angrily. For a minute, Draco thought she was going to hit him again. "You should have stopped him!" She hissed. Hermione felt herself sway slightly and Draco quickly grabbed a hold of her arm, steadying her. "I tried!"  He hissed back.  "He will come back Hermione. You have to trust that. But right now he wanted you kept safe and get some rest."

"I am rested." She retorted. Draco shook his head slightly. Harry was definitely right about her being stubborn. "No you're not Hermione.." Hermione gave Draco a hard shove to loosen his grip he had on her. "If you're not going to help me then I will find Harry on my own. I know where he's heading anyways.." "Hermione. You're not exactly well to travel yet. You can't apparate by yourself.." She rolled her eyes. "Then you can come with me. And why would you suddenly care anyways?" She scowled.

Draco sighed and watched as Hermione turned to make her way back into the cottage. That was a good question.  Draco thought.  He himself didn't quite know why.  He followed Hermione inside.  "Look.. We can go. But we have to wait for you to be well rested enough first.." He knew it wasn't what Harry exactly wanted him to do, but he didn't want her trying anything foolish. Hermione looked up at him as she was sitting on the chair at the kitchen table. "Fine.." She muttered.

Draco closed the door behind him and stepped further into the kitchen, digging through the cupboards and fridge to find some food. As Draco was digging for food, Hermione had become eerily quiet. Which he knew wasn't like her at all from spending all the time at school with her. He turned slightly watching her closely.  "Would you like anything?" Hermione looked up at him coming out of her trance like state. She shook her head. "No.." Draco rolled his eyes. "If you think I'm going to poison the food.."  He started. "I wasn't thinking that... That's not your style. Besides. I don't think you could kill anyone." Draco raised his eye slightly surprised at her comment, then leaned back against the counter as he turned to face Granger. "Oh really? And just what do you think my style would be Granger?" He asked sounding slightly amused. Hermione shrugged a little. "I don't know. But like I said. I don't think you would kill at all."

"What gives you that impression? You may have gone to school with me for six years Granger, but you don't know who I am truly. Perhaps Harry is right. Of me being a death eater. Maybe I would have killed Dumbledore that night.." He said trailing the sentence off seeing her staring at him. She shook her head. "But you didn't..." She muttered. Draco raised his eye a little. "But how can you be so sure? You seem to have a lot of faith in someone who has been your enemy your whole life..." Hermione sighed a little and stayed quiet. She wasn't going to allow Draco the satisfaction of teasing her now. She wasn't in the mood. As Draco grew bored waiting for her answer, he turned back around, getting the food cooked that he was able to find, for making a small meal.

Once Draco had finished cooking the spaghetti noodles, he dished his own plate before shoving the dish towards Hermione. "You should eat something.  It'll help gain some strength.."  "I'm not really hungry.." She said quietly. "Look, Hermione.." He stopped mid sentence and watched her as she got up from the chair. He narrowed his eyes watching, feeling slightly worried. "What are you doing?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "I know Harry had asked you to keep an eye on me but you don't need to know what I'm doing every second of the day." She shot at him without really meaning to. "I'm putting up the protection spells." Draco took a deep breath. "Hermione, this is a safety house from the members of the order, Bill and Fleur told Harry and I themselves. I am most certain that they already have protection spells up." Hermione reached for her wand out of her pocket but realized it was not there. She sighed a little. "My wand is still at the mansion.. You can never be too sure these days.. You don't know who you can trust."

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