Chapter Three : Ouch.

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"Oh . My. God! I still can't believe you just met him!" Carrie said,

"Hm, Yeah." I smiled.

I can't believe it either . I . just met the boy of my dreams. The flashback of what happened earlier came to me.

I exhaled on amusement .

Wait. His a boy. Boy's just breaks you're heart.

I shook all of the thoughts off of my head and got out of the car as Carrie stopped infront of me and Perrie's house.

Through the whole trip, I can't help but think of Harry. He won't leave my mind!

Ugh. I'm tired. REALLY tired.

I thanked and waved 'Bye' to Carrie and headed to the front door.

When I was about to ring the doorbell, I heard loud laughters, Glass shattering and pillow fightings.

What the Hell's happening?!

I rang the doorbell and knocked repeatedly .

"Shhh.. you guys!" I heard Perrie shh them.

Suddenly, all the loud noises quieted down. Deadly quiet.

Perrie opened the door , revealing a very , dirty living room.

The once clean , hardwood floor was now covered with feathers. PILLOW feathers. There were lipstick stains everywhere. Juice and Chips were spilled and scattered everywhere. Perrie SHOULD clean this up.

There I stood, with a mouth wide open.

I looked around and found the members of Little Mix all messed up.

Leigh-Ann was standing, staring at me with a pillow on her hand.

Jade was laying on the floor, pillow feather's all around her body.

And Jesy , he bum sticking out in the air (but not exposed!) , 'cause she was at the couch, her tummy was at the top edge of the couch, making her bum stick out.

I looked at Perrie, who was smiling weirdly at me.

"Hehe." She smiled.


I smiled back. weakly.

Gosh. When these girls say 'Fun' , they really mean 'FUN' !

"Umm, you guys continue. Pretend I'm not here." I said , avoiding every dirt on the floor . But failed. I accidentally stepped on the spilled juice on the floor and slide'd down, falling on my back.

"Ow." I said, holding my throbbing head.

"Oh God!" Perrie exclaimed while running towards me, bent down and helped me get up.

Leigh-Ann, Jesy and Jade ran to me, cursing under their breaths.

"Oh my God , Rose! We're sooo sorry Rose!" They exclaimed,

"Yep. It's okay. I'm fine." I said, trying to get up, luckily successful.

Ugh. I hate it when this happens to me.

When I was up, my sight was blurred, everything was twirling. I felt like the world was moving that made me almost fall again.

"Whoa." Perrie said, about to catch me,

"I'm okay." I said, holding my head.

"You sure?" Jade asked, concern lining her voice.

Of course I'm not! Who would be okay if You would go home, tired, then you find you're house sooo dirty, and you suddenly slide'd down , falling on you're back and head? Would you be okay if that Happened to you?

"Uhh , I'll go ahead. You guys have fun." I said, making my way upstairs to my room.

I opened my room door and got inside.

I flicked the light switch on and jumped on my best friend.

My bed.

I landed on the front part of my body, my head buried on my pillow.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.


Hi :)

Short Chapter :( Sorry!


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