Bumping into each other

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Guys I wanted to say thank you we hit 140 views I know we can can does this new comers hello and follow me it is grateful appreciate with out further or do lets get in with the chapter.
3rd person view
Travis wakes up and goes to the park to get his mine off what had happened and has his journal with him. He sits in the park where I there is a big tree and sits under it and starts writing but reading silently to them self.
{~ travel to Zane with the power of sassy princess travis~} 
Zanes POV
I decided it was a good idea to go to the park to get my mine off of this and brings his Dairy along. I go to the bakery to buy a cup cake and go into the park from the back and sit at a big tree with shade so I don't get sun.
Third Persons POV
They each sit on the opposite side of the tree not even know they both where siting so close to each other. Zane takes out his cup cake that had Pinky Cakes face on it and started to eat it. Then started thinking out loud.
Travis POV
I am sitting under the tree. I hear someone talking to them selfs and I look around the tree and sees Zane eating a cupcake talking to himself he hears him say " uh why do I have to like Travis he is so shy and he might say no" I blush bright red. I went to say my thoughts out loud so he can hear me.

Zane POV
I said " uh why do I have to like Travis he is so shy he might say no". Then I just blushed thinking about what had happened. Then I hear someone on the other side and I tired to see it was Travis. I hear them say " uh I am so shy I don't even think Zane will like me he is probably to emo to know love" I blush hard then said "HEY" he turned to see me blushing and I just sat there not knowing what to do.
Third person POV
Travis said "oh I guess you hired me" he said in a shy flirtatious manner.
Zane just sat there speech less. Then Zane pulls his mask down and pulls Travis sweater in to a kiss. Then they pull away and look at each other.

Zane says shyly and blush "I-I like you too"

"I know" Travis say blushing
Then Travis pulls Zane back into another kiss that was more pashonet and stayed longer. They pull away leaving a trail of saliva connecting them together. "I love you" Zane says. "Me too" and Zane takes Travis to his house.
Hey guys that's another chapter and I will post one later.Bye guys ihope you liked it.😂😂 no😑😏 bye see you next time and if you like it vote in it and comment as well as follow my for more now for real bye✌🏼️out.

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