Taking Action

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"You'd think they wouldn't need an army for something like this." Nathan spoke in a light tone, chuckling as he made sure he was paying attention to the map he and Ahkmenrah were currently attempting to follow. Since he was quite poor with directions, trying to get Jedediah, Octavius and their groups to the car outside Larry suggested the Pharaoh go with him to guide him.

"It's amazing they even bothered to agree." Ahkmenrah joked back in a whisper. But Nathan had a feeling Ahkmenrah was more curious about how the RC car worked if not anything else.

"Yeah. I think Larry and I really showed them when we locked them up the second night." He clicked his tongue when he focused on the map and the car as well. "At least they appear to be getting along better...for now anyway."

"I think they're turning." Ahkmenrah suddenly spoke up, nodding his head to the direction the miniatures were heading.

"Got it."

The Pharaoh couldn't help but notice the bone of Rexy still on its string that Larry hooked to it. His expression held a mixture of amusement and fascination. "That is really that Tyrannosaurus's Rex's bone?"

"Pretty neat huh? Rexy uses that to play fetch with. Startled us to though the first time we realized it. At least that was free however, this car was...costly let's say."

"I'm almost afraid to ask how much."

"...You don't want to know Ahk."

"Yo! Teen Gigantor we're at the cargo door. You can stop now."

"Thanks Jed...and stop with the Teen Gigantor stuff will ya?" He muttered the last part earning a chuckle from Ahkmenrah. Within moments they heard the car doors open and close, the miniatures talking about how interesting of an experience that was. "Okay boys..." Nathan chuckled when he heard a trio of female Mayan's make an 'ahem!' sound "and girls. Sorry ladies. You know what you have to do."


Larry, Nicky, Teddy and Attila met up with them moments later after Nathan told them the plan was set into a motion. As they listened closely to the Walkie Talky, it took all the strength they had to not giggle or laugh at how dramatic the miniatures acted for just piercing a tire.

Nathan and Ahkmenrah can no longer hold it in. They're shaking with silent laughter, Teddy biting down on his hand to contain himself, Larry holding onto Attila to keep from doubling over.



Another men and one more female Mayan let out a tiny shriek as their grip on the rope broke free, sailing in the air for a brief second before landing onto the soft snow as Jedediah pushes the spear in further. Even for them it was too much, for they too were blown back panting heavily.

"Oi! We can hear you laughing thank you very much!" A female Mayan soldier snapped into the radio, hearing the guys finally burst with laughter on the other end.

"Y-Yeah!" A male cowboy stood up helping his Roman companion and Mayan companion on their feet. "It wasn't as easy as it looked for us."

Jedediah let out a tired laugh hearing their group grumble and complain, giving a tip of his hat over to a still panting Octavius. "Thanks for looking out for me. You're not a bad leader Oct."

A faint blush crept up over the Roman's face. Well the compliment nor the nickname were making things any easier for him. He hoped to Jupiter and back Jedediah was NOT seeing him blush. "I...was just concerned for your safety is all. A true leader n-never abandons anyone."

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