Chapter 3: On the road

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 Edited 1/26/23

 Once entering his private room, Rimmon slowly made his way to his bed, dropping flat on his stomach with a heavy thud, sighing loudly and long.

Peeking his head up and looking at the mirror standing against the wall near his bed, Rimmon saw himself in it looking tired. Questioning as to what he is even doing.

What have I got myself into. . .

Rimmon thought to himself rolling onto his back and staring straight up, file gripped tightly in hand. With another audible sigh releasing some of the building stress, Rimmon groaned as he sat up flicking the file open to read over the details of this job.

Possibly his last.

Closing the file, Rimmon looked over to the clothing he would travel in once leaving Hell, Rimmon did a fast wardrobe change enjoying the comfy looseness of them but also how they hugged his body in all the right places, the fake body.

One last thing for Rimmon to do as he walked closer to his standing mirror seeing his original self in it. Rimmon's reflection melted away compacting into a medium orb with a red-brown haze surrounding it. Rimmon dived his hands into the mirror as if he dipped them into a pond or a bucket of water. Slowly, Rimmon pulled the orb out of the mirror creating a water drop noise once the orb was fully out of the mirror.

Rimmon stared at the orb, feeling, himself.

Moving over to his desk laid a pocket watch on the top, but instead of a watch, it was a small mirror. The pocket watch popped open as Rimmon held the orb over it and carefully placed the orb onto the glass before placing his hands around the ball pressing on it, shrinking the ball of energy into the small pocket watch mirror. When the orb vanished into the pocket watch it shut immediately, Rimmon lit a black candle and used the wax from it to seal the pocket watch shut.

Rimmon's knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground breathing deeply, a pain in his chest, a missing pain ached terribly so for a few seconds before he felt, nothing. . .

Rimmon was a very talented demon, he may mostly do entertainment for others, but Rimmon is a master of disguise. All demons could change their appearance and smell, but Rimmon is the only demon to disguise or more like hide his entire power, so good that crosses and holy water did not affect him.

Now when Rimmon looked into the mirror, all that stood before him was Cozbi.

I'm Cozbi. I'm Cozbi, I'm Cozbi. . .

Rimmon repeated into his head grabbing his suitcase, "I'm Cozbi." Rimmon said lastly before leaving his room.

Cozbi quickly made her way through the pits of Hell reaching the ends of the pentagrams and stopping at a river. After a quick pay and ride on the fairy to the other end, Cozbi finally made her way to the location Ki sent her, hearing his voice up ahead. Cozbi looked at Ki who stood next to a hooded character standing about the same height as Ki.

"There you are Cozbi." Ki announced looking over to the sweet cat girl that now stood in front of him.

"My apologies for being late." Cozbi bowed.

"This here is your escort Cozbi, meet Jaheel." Ki gestured to the mystery figure next to him.

"Honored to meet you Lady Cozbi." Jaheel greeted taking Cozbi's hand in his and placing a soft kiss on the back of it. Cozbi was stunned by this interaction and intrigued by his smooth thick accent. From others Cozbi met with similar accents and their stories, she knew these accents to be called desert walkers.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Jaheel." Cozbi smiled shyly getting a smile from Jaheel.

"Jaheel will make sure you have a safe trip to Operiel." Ki explained to Cozbi looking at Jaheel.

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