Chapter Five

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As the snow started to fall heavier over the small town of Cloverbrooke, sitting in the cosy, warm living with the warm glow from the old, antique, log fireplace which had a black, metal guard in front of the logs as the embers flickering up the chimney breast was Jessica who was holding a cup of coffee in both of her hands as she stared at the fire. Walking heavily into the living room wearing a pair of tight, denim jeans and a pink, woollen jumper was Abby who's short, blonde hair was in loose curls as the layered from touched her shoulders. She had a huge grin on her face as she held a folder in her hands. "So," Abby beamed as she walked through the door causing Jessica to turn her head quickly towards the direction of her friend, "I've gathered all of the stuff that I've been usin' for my weddin' and as the maid of honour I want you to take a look so that you know what you're in for."

"Okay," Jessica nodded as she leaned forward and placed her cup of coffee down on the glass coffee table that was placed between the sofa and the fireplace. Abby sat down next to her friend and opened the white folder up on her lap.

"So," she smiled, "This is the kind of look that I was goin' for. I was goin' for the whole winter look as it's gonna be a winter weddin'."

"Of course," Jessica smiled and nodded with approval.

"So," she repeated, "This is what I had in mind for my bridesmaid dresses. I wanted to go with the whole deep blue colour 'cause it's winter and it's a cold colour."

"Of course," Jessica said once again with the nod of her head.

"And I've saved a few dresses on the net," she told her, "And I've screen captured the images and placed them in here..." she flicked through a few of the pages until she reached the page which contained the different bridesmaid dresses. "So, I've chosen these four, these are my favourite ones that I've seen online and what will go with my weddin'."

"I like it," she smiled, "So, I see that you're goin' for a particular colour scheme."

"Obviously," Jessica rolled her eyes, "It's going to be winter wedding and what colour says more about winter than blue."

"So," she frowned, "If you've already decided what colour scheme you want. What do you want me here for?"

"To pick the bridesmaid dresses, of course," Jessica laughed sharply, "Seeing as you're goin' to be the one wearin' the damn dress. I don't care 'cause I'm gonna be the most beautiful person in the room. All eyes are gonna be on me. My weddin' dress is perfect so why would I give a damn about what dresses you're gonna be wearin'. All eyes are gonna be on me. And not even on Gregg. He thinks that the weddin' is about him too but let's just face it. It's all about me. It's always about the bride and nothin' else."

"It's about the groom too," she informed her.

"Yeah, right," Abby laughed, "Like it would be about him too. He's already done the hard part by proposin' to me."

"Marryin' you would be the hard part," she muttered under her breath.

"Hmm?" Abby asked, "What was that?"

"Oh nothin'," Jessica lied, "I was just askin' myself what beautiful bridesmaid dress I should pick."

"Hmm," Abby said unconvinced, "Okay."

"So," she said quickly changing the subject, "I've got the soul choice of what the bridesmaids are gonna be wearin'? Wow, who else is gonna be your bridesmaids? Other than me of course."

"Oh, just Maggie from work," Abby told her with a wave of her hand, "I don't really want many bridesmaids." She shrugged her shoulders, "Plus, Jake is gonna be my best man so he's got to wear the same as Gregg."

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