Davenport POV (point of view ) Guy my business friend is coming over to eat dinner with his daughter there the new neighbors as well, Omg finally a girl around here, said Bree jumping Ok well I want you guys to be on your best behavior no fighting especially Adam and chase.
-------------------""""LATER""""----------------- Olivia's POV Since it getting about time to go to the Davenports house guess I should start getting ready
👇🏼. 👇🏼 👇🏼 Olivia's Outfit
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I just decided to wear a dress and some white converse then I heard down stairs were my dad was Hey sweetie ready to go, my dad said Yeah, I responded and we headed out the door I mean we just walked they were right Next door When me got there we ringed the door bell and suddenly I a women I was guessing was mr.davenports wife opened the door Oh well hello welcome come right in, Mrs. Davenport said with a smile, the house was just like mine exempted it was the other way around Pleasure to meet you Mrs.davenport, I respectfully responded Oh plz call me Tasha it makes me sound younger. When I walked in there were 4 teens a girl 3 boys both my age I was guessing one very muscular and tall which was hot , a shorter one that looked very smart and then a skinner boy witch must be there step broth Hey am Bree, the girl said Oh Hey am Olivia but you can call me Liv Ok we can be besties Liv, Bree said with a huge smile Of course,I said then was greeted bye the taller boy Hi am Adam, he said opening his arms I was guessing it was for me too hug him but before I could hug he had already hugged me so I just stood there till he finally let go Ok,well am Olivia nice to meet you to Which made him smile his hug felt so right and so protective Then am guessing the step brother came and said am Leo DANGER dullie Oh hi am Olivia, The. He wiggled his eyebrows and left Finally the last person to greet me was the shorter boy Hello am chase, he said sticking out his had so I could shake it I shook it and he smiled at me and I retired it back After we all met we sat at the dinner table and ate , while eating we were sharing jokes laughs I was sitting by Adam and Bree so I was at the edge and then Adam and then Bree then I felt someone touch my hand it was Adam then i noticed he was staring at me it made me smile he returned one too Chase POV We were eating dinner then I noticed that Adam placed his hand on Olivia's had which made me kinda mad I know we're not dating but she was really pretty but the worst part was is that she smiled at him Olivia's POV Once dinner was over my dad and mr and Mrs Davenport were talking about business so then Adam Bree and chase came up to me and said Hey you wanna head by he fire Uh sure, I replied back Then while we were out side we started talking Hey so are you going to mission creek high asked Bree Oh yeah I am Well we can sit at lunch together Bree said Of course I said with a smile So are we allowed to use bionics ins school I said trapping Adam Bree and chase's attention Wait your bionic!!! Chase said shocked I nodded my head as in yes and said yeah why I just didn't think you were, chase said Oh well I am so are we?¿ Oh no were not we have to keep it a secret chase said OK, then mr Davenport came out with my dad hey Olivia your dad and I are going on a business trip tomorrow so your gonna be staying here with Tasha,Bree,Adam,Leo and chase for the next 6 days mr Davenport said..........
TO BE CONTINUED⚠️⚠️⚠️ Next chapters will be juice‼️😂