Chapter 5: AP Physics Isn't as Bad as it Sounds... I Swear.

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So it turns out that I sit next to Ollie in physics. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, it's great to enter a class with someone who could potentially be your friend but not when this 'friend' actually scared you during the first two encounters.

But he hasn't pulled anything on me like a knife or whatever so I don't think that he will kill me. But I'm still terrified that he'll snap or something and then I'll get a black eye because he'll probably want to punch me in the face at some point. I want to punch myself in the face just because of these thoughts. I want to punch you in the face everyday. Shut up self conscious.

Honestly having these thoughts at a time like this isn't good. Because right now, I'm sitting in a dead silent room as pens scribble on paper. So for me to have these thoughts will result in complete embarrassment. Not that I haven't experienced enough of that today but still, I don't want anymore.

Plus the fact that I'm about to explode because Ollie's elbow keeps knocking against mine. How am I supposed to focus with that distraction. Not a distraction more like an annoyance. That doesn't even make any sense. Please, it's a distraction that you're enjoying. Okay, so I just met the guy today my sub-conscious is already giving me inappropriate thoughts. I don't even like the guy and let's not forget that he's made me almost piss myself twice today. So there must be some part of my brain that isn't functioning properly today

Ehh Macarena.

Help. Me. Now. That bloody song is back in my head. Maybe that will help me concentrate a little more.

Looking down at the question sheet in front of me I try to focus on the first question.

So if momentum equa- Ehh Macarena! Ha-iy! Oh piss off thoughts. Let's try again.

So if momentum e-

Apparently I am still very distracted by Ollie's elbow nudging mine every now and then.

"Stop it!" I whisper harshly. Ollie's hand continues moving as he answers my sudden outburst.

"Stop what?"

"Nudging me with your elbow as you write." I reply. This didn't help at all. Ollie chuckles and moves closer to me causing his elbow to move against mine even more. Thanks for limiting my writing space ass hat... Why am I thinking this?

"Thanks for limiting my writing space ass hat."

"No problem. But you actually want to write something to have writing space Little Red." He chuckles. Looking down at my work I see that I haven't written anything besides my name.

"Struggling with AP physics?" Ollie laughs.

"No, I'm just having an off day today." I defend. Ollie chuckles at my answer and continues writing. I try to focus on my work again. What is the linear momentum?

Easy, 12kg-m/s. I write the answer down next to the question and move onto the next. Ollie's elbow is still pushing against mine.

"Wrong." Ollie whispers.

"Excuse me?" I ask him.

"It's '14kg-m/s' not '12kg-m/s'." He replies.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's '12kg-m/s'." I defend. "The Linear momentum of the system is the sum of the linear momentum of each part. So we only need to find the momentum of each ball. So you need to sort it algebraically and then simplify it which equals 12kg-m/s." I respond.

"If you say so." He chuckles. I decide to ignore him and continue with the work.

"Okay! I will now go through the answers with you." The teacher says after ten more minutes of working. "Question one is 12kg-m/s."

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