Chapter 6

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I waited in a chair, still tied up, waiting for Eimi to come back "can I be untied I have a itch on my nose" I looked up at them, they looked at each other for a moment, telecommunication of something? I was confused. Akura ou walked up to me and cut the ropes with his claws, damn I need those when I'm in a pickle like this, I moved my wrist around then scratched my nose "thanks" I mumbled, hey I'm a lady plus mommy always said to say please and thank you even if your feeling grumpy, or was that Snow White? I don't know.

I sat in the chair as Akura ou and Tomoe stared at me funny, I know I'm hot but still, I cleared my throat "what are you two staring at?" I asked looking at them. They continued to stare at me, I groaned "geez" I huffed and rolled my eyes "where did your fox go?" Akura ou asked, finally he can talk! "I don't know she ran off somewhere" I shrugged, yeah that's a good question where the hell is she?! Just then Eimi came in the room in her human form "who are you?!" Akura ou yelled getting ready to fight her. I widen my eyes and jumped in front of Eimi who looked scared "don't this is Eimi she has a human from, where were you?" I looked back at Eimi "out to get this" she held out a crystal ball, I felt Akura ou lean his face over my shoulder, I turned my face to look at him.

Akura ou had a look of surprised and confusion "personal space" I said, he looked at me then smirked "I don't mind" he said getting closer to me "it wasn't for you it was for me now please would you move away from me" I rolled my eyes "no" great answer. I sighed and tried to move up but Akura ou grabbed my waist "Eimi what's that for?" Tomoe asked yanking me from Akura ou, ok thanks but ow my wrist hurts now, "it lets you see your deepest desire, say if you wanted to know if a friend was doing ok then it will show you how they are doing" Eimi said handing it to me "here I know you wanted to know about your mother and your best friend so I went to a wizard and he gave me this" I nodded and took the crystal ball from her. I looked around me, I can't do it here they will know I'm not from here plus they will ask questions that I can't answer in a way they want me to "but there is a kink in the process the person must be the only one in the room or else it won't work" I have a feeling Eimi is reading my mind and making things up "what type of thing is that! Are you making things up girl!" Akura ou yelled, wow he's scary.

Eimi sighed and shook her head no "nope it honestly won't work" I smiled, she's good, Akura ou huffed and crossed his arms "come on brother" Tomoe said walking out of the room, why can't Akura ou be more like Tomoe, I sighed "fine while I'm waiting I'll be playing" I gulped, please tell me by playing he means with dolls or something. Eimi was the last to leave, after she shut the door I looked at the crystal in my hands, mom, soon as I thought that a purple light emerged from it. When it cleared a image of my mother showed up, she was home in my room looking around, she never change anything it's still the same "where did you go?" I was shocked I could hear her, what does she mean? I looked at her sadden I wanted to hug her "they never found your body... Amane come home I love you" I felt tears fall down my cheeks "mom I love and miss you" I choked out. Once the tears fell on the crystal it stopped showing me my mom, Aina, another purple light came and it vanished.

I stared at it and saw Aina there in her room looking at a photo album of our times together, I looked closely to see my favourite picture of us when we first went to our very first cosplay, I smiled "heh Amane this is your favourite, I miss you calling me veggie" I laughed a bit "your my best veggie yet Aina" I smiled letting all my tears out. They crashed on the crystal the images all disappeared, I miss you guys so much! I dropped to my knees holding the crystal close, as Eimi peeked in the room, when she saw me she ran in and hugged me "it's ok, I'm sorry" I shook my head "it's ok" she pulled from me "Akura ou and Tomoe are gone... Have a plan?" Eimi asked, I smiled "do I? We're winging it" I said getting up and walking out the door, if I get caught I'll tell them I'm returning the crystal.

So sorry for the late update!
Sorry there isn't as much romance as you thought but that's coming soon!

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