Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Tim! Get you ass to the boss' room! I recommend now!" Jason yelled after banging on my door.

I grumbled to myself, "Goddammit."

I walked over to the right side of my room, granted these rooms were like closets. The beds barely fit. The beds were twin pull out couch mattresses. I had a tiny little dresser that I had managed to snatch. It had three pull out draws and that was about it. I had seven pairs of clothing. One for each day of the week. And then hanging on the wall was what I wore out on an assignment. A black t-shirt, super dark blue jeans, and normally no shoes but when I did wear shoes they were black converse. 'Cuz I'm a classy man. I grabbed my olive green beany off a hook and pulled it over my amber brown hair and made sure to cover the tops of my ears. I stretched before opening the door and walking out.

I pulled the door open and ice-cold winter air slapped me in the face. I remember when I was younger I would pretend I was a dragon. But that was a long, long time ago. Way before I was here in this hellhole.

I sighed and walked down the steps in front of my room. My feet sunk into the muddy snow as I slushed my way over to the boss' room. I knocked and a low, "Come in." came from the door.

I opened the door to see the boss with his fingers interlaced in a fist while resting his head against them. I knew then and there that I something was wrong and he wasn't happy.

"Did I d-" He held his hand up.

"You did nothing son." He said.

God I hated it so much when he called me that. He's the one who stole me and brought me here in the first place.

"I have an assignment for you and when you get back I have some news." He stated.

I looked at him puzzled, "Good... or bad..? Sir."

"You'll know when you get back." He said and shooed me out.

He had someone post the assignment on your door before you got back from his office.

The sheet of paper read, 15 years old, Paisley, brown hair, green eyes, 5' 6" Lives on the West side of Shadow Wolves Pack.

And that's how I find out whom I'm assigned to murder. I grabbed the sheet of paper and took it inside. I took my shirt off and threw it on the bed. Grabbed the black one and pulled it on. Took my pants off and pulled the jeans on. Grabbed a sweatshirt that was a dark gray and pulled it over my head. I pulled my beany back on. I went over to the dresser and grabbed knives off of it. I hid the knives in my pockets and stuff and pulled my shoes on and walk2ed out the door.

After getting slapped in the face again by the cold I yanked my sweatshirt hood over my head.

"Ahaha! There goes Tim." The other guys started to whisper around me.


I trudged out further into the woods heading towards Shadow Wolf Pack grounds. As I got closer, I could begin to smell food being grilled. It was about 3:00 in the afternoon from what I could tell from the position of the sun. As I scoped out the side of the grounds I caught sight of her. She was dancing with a much younger boy, I assumed her brother. She was laughing and smiling. I climbed up quite a tall tree and continued to watch her. She seemed like a nice girl. But an assignment is an assignment.

Once I had the cover of darkness I climbed down the tree and walked onto the land. I knocked on her door and put my pathetic wimpy rouge look on. She opened the door and I began to shiver to add the effect that I was freezing.

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