Chapter 3: Don't Tell Him

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| vanoss' pov |

I heard my phone blinking, buzzing — just straight out going crazy. I groaned at the sounds and lights. I sat up sleepily. I look over at the red light beaming from my digital clock on the wall.

Who the hell is messaging me at 6:25 in the morning ..?

I thought. I grabbed my phone and noticed a bunch of texts from Jonathan. As my eyes scanned over the texts, his most recent one made me sit up more.

In .. Trouble ..?

E- Jonathan? What do you mean your in trouble?

I saw three bubbles for about a minute until I saw a response.

J- I can't exactly tell you, but I'm in trouble.

I was about to respond before I saw those same three bubbles. I stopped and waited.

J- You all are ..

I raised an eyebrow and got a little agitated.

E- What do you mean, were all in trouble?

I felt a light hitting me from my window. My gaze left the bright phone screen as I scanned the scenery outside of the window. The brightness of the sun started to rise upon the horizon. I sighed a bit. My phone buzzed and stared down again.

J- You guys are all in danger because of me. David, Brock, Luke, Craig, Tyler, Lui, Marcel, myself .. And you.

Seriously Delirious!?

After a split second I got another message.

J- Hold on.

I thought to myself.

In trouble? What the fuck is Delirious talking about!?

| delirious' pov |

I got a text from an unknown person.

??- If you tell him much more Jonathan, I'm changing your time to a day. Tell him your just tired and stop talking to him, or I'll make you.

My eyes widened at the text and I growled lowly.

J- And how are you going to do that? You don't even know where I live.

??- Isn't it late in North Carolina? You should be asleep Jonathan. Your mom wouldn't be too happy if she saw that you were awake at this time.


??- Then shut your big ass fucking mouth and don't talk to them about this. If I find out you did tell them — I'm killing you.
Sleep well. :)

I stared at my phone and got a text from Evan again.

E- Jonathan you there? What were you talking about.

I stared at the text for awhile and started to reply after being snapped out of my daze.

J- Nothing, I think the heat is just messing with my head. Lol. Sorry about that, go back to sleep.

E- Are you sure?

J- I'm sure. Goodnight. :)

E- More like good morning.

I looked out the window to see the sun peeking behind the trees and a bit over the horizon. I smiled a bit.

J- Haha, yeah.
-read 4:22AM-

After that I closed my phone and leaned back into my bed. I closed my eyes and laid sprawled out across my bed. My head pounded as I thought to myself. I couldn't let him hurt the others. I needed to think of something fast.

What if we all met up in Cali? Maybe we can escape .. Together ..?

Who am I kidding? I'm delirious out of my mind. Why would the guys suddenly want to go anyways? It was a long shot but it'll be worth it. I can protect them better when we're all together. Besides. I felt like it was a good idea.

I felt the light breeze that came often from my ceiling fan as it spun circulating cool air around my room. It was nice to feel the breeze as my eyelids started to feel really heavy. I slowly let them close as I fell into a deep sleep.

| ?? pov |

"Do you really think he'll get you your money?"

"I'll make sure of it. You know that he'll pay a price if he doesn't get me my money."

"So you're giving him a week to get you one million dollars?" He said laughing.

"He should have been saving up all these years." I snapped, making the other male stop his obnoxious laughter.

"He'll lose his mind soon. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he went insane." I started to laugh at myself and how stupid Jonathan was.

"Keep an eye on him." The male nodded and I grinned.

"I'll keep you update." The man in the monkey mask smirked and walked out of the room.

//okok, i know what you guys are thinking. And yes i decided to make another chapter!! yay!
but whos the dude in the monkey mask??
what does ?? have planned?
stay tuned! c;

3 povs in one chapter ;)
i might be making chapter 4 & 5 tomorrow, i might even make them longer because i know the start has been boring! :p

the follow parts of the story from now on may be triggering. read at your own risk. if you do not like the content, just skip or dint read any further.


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