Only the Good

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I had a shitty childhood. I used to be a "disappointment" to my dad. He beat me relentlessly. My sister too. It got worse when mom died.

I felt so bad for my sister and was desperate to do something to help. So I wrapped my hands around her neck and choked her into salvation. She would never feel his brutal touch again. She was safe and in heaven with the angels, with her mom. Her pure heart was intact for eternity.

That moment, when her soul flew triumphantly from her body, changed my life. I realized that I was given a gift. I could send untainted souls straight to paradise, before evil got its chance to ruin them. I could make sure that they felt no pain, no suffering.

I mean, what are a few decades on this planet as compared to an eternity in heaven? Wouldn't you die right now if you had a guaranteed ticket to eternal salvation? Why take the risk that evil could invade your mind, body, and soul?

Each time I performed the miracle, I felt God's touch.

I prefer to save the young. We are all born innocent, right? The more time spent on this wretched, pathetic rock, the more time the devil has to turn you.

The next time you brag about how great your child is, I'll be listening. The next time your child helps an elderly lady across the street, I'll be watching. Maybe the next time your kid cleans his room without even being asked to, I'll be in the closet. His salvation, sharp and metallic, gripped tightly in my blessed hands.

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