"I was five years old when it all started"

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"Honey come quick it's begining!"

My mom's words rang through the deep walls of the house, Even if I did have a pounding headache that never seemed to ever, ever want to go away and pain that once started in my small legs now going to my arms cracks screeched throughout my house I screamed loudly. Realising what had actually began. "Ahhh mommy"

"Yes baby mommy's here" her soothing words echoed through my mind.

"Mommy" I breathed in deeply. "where is daddy. Ahhhhhh" my bones ached to break from their restraints yet again, the restrain is my small body in a pool of sweat and salty tears, after all just a few minutes ago I was being read a five year old bed time store and sang a lullaby. Now I was shifting for the first time. I started to see very small yet enlarging black dots. "Mommy" I yelled.

"Jamie get your lazy as- but up here now" mom yelled loudly trying not to curse the ringing in my ears started to reside after a while.

"Be there in a sec babe" daddy's voice boomed and bounced off the walls, echoing around in my little head.

"Jamie NOW" she yelled loudly as the black dots now closed over my eyes and every thing went dark.


When I woke up mom was standing there arguing about something crimson and camoron with daddy and I could see everything in clear vision better than before . I looked down at my feet to an obious realisation by a pair of black paws stared me dead in the eye with three white spots like onions belt. My beautful white hair replaced with deep black fur. I slowly jumped out of the little grey bed I was in and looked in my body mirror to see a little black wolf in front of me with crimson eyes, with three white spots under her eyes and three on her left paw.

"Woah is this me"

" yes well this is me cameron i am your beautiful wolf do you like, of course you do, Oh wait do you have any questions for me snow?" Cameron asked delighted

"Why are mommy and daddy yelling"

" Ok snow, what they're yelling about is beyond me but you can under stand if you think of every aspect of your body and you'll be human again and be able to under stand them." Came to stated to her hunan.

"Okay cameron" I say as she cuts herself loose from me. I'm thinking of everything I used to look like from my white hair to my blue eyes, and even to the shortest nail on my finger directly after I pictured my whole body I was naked in front of mommy and daddy. They looked mad.

"Mommy daddy what's wrong" I questioned shyly.

"Nothing daddy can't fix with a hug and a kiss." Pappa said as He ran towards me and picked me up kissing and hugging me.

"Hehe" a giggle played my lips as daddy gave me to my warm bed and said rest up baby cakes see you in the morning.

"Ok daddy" I said before closing my eyes and drifting into a deep slumber.

Several months later

It had been a few months since my change and I was now at home preparing for my tea party. Mommy had went to the super market to get groceries, and daddy was in his study working on something. I set down the tea kettle onto a little pot holder and became startled but acted calm, I turned to the smell of cologne and berrys what I saw was a man towering above me.

"Hello ar-......" My question was cut off by his handkerchief being placed over my mouth and the smell of a strong alcohol was what I inhaled then passed out.

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