Your mine

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"No and he looked at you" he snarled at the words he spoke.

" It's okay really" I began nicly.

"HELL NO IT'S NOT" he took a breath " you are my mate not his got it" he commanded as an immediate reaction I nodded ferverently.

Master would make me do that. It's just out of habit I thought letting myself get sucked into my inner thoughts.

"Baby, lets go" he said as I mistaked him for saying let go and that I did to his hand.

"Sorry" I told him brushing my hair to the side.

"Okay now lets go" he stated relacing our hands togather.

"Okay" I said plainly
"Where are we going might I ask" I questioned as he lead me throught the halls and corridors of his home.

We passed a seemingly endless flight of stairs that probably lead down into a cellar or basement. I thought cringing at the memories. We walked along the crimson carpet down the hallway that had a tan trimming along the doors.

Which was also along the inner corners of the box hallway. The walls were colored a thick white paint that would be as to a piano's keys when you first buy it.

He continued to pull on my arm rubbing my knuckles with his index finger. We walked for what seemed like ten minutes but was actually thirty.

We seen a exit sign so bright it'd put shame to some of my old cuts. He opened the door allowing me out first but in the process kept a grip on my hand.

I looked around to see cars and cars and cars everywhere I looked were cars. Its as if old mac donald came to the city. 

Old mac donald moved to the city EIEIO and in that city he had a car EIEIO here a car there a car every where a car car. I laughed out loud at my thoughts, "hehe".

We walked up to a black car, he opened the passenger side door and I got in, as he shut the door I watched him move around the car dragging his finger across the hood.

He took about three strides to get into the driver side seat once he is in he starts the car. He pulls out of his indoor car lot and heads down towards the car exit sign. It was electric blue with a white background. Feeling my hand begin to get cold i hold it with my other hand and cross my legs one over the other.

Its cold out because winter is around the corner and I am not really a winter person. The heat from the vents in the car begins to reach me as a bandana is reached over to me by Anthony.

"Put it on, when we get there you'll see why." he told me

I placed it directly on my eyes so that I could not see anything. Soon a sensation of happinies came over me as I felt my body fall asleep.

Dream. Realm

I was running, it was dark and black the only thing I could see was the red light shining beneath a door.

No matter how hard I ran No matter how far I went I never reached the light. I kept running, running until the exhaustion and heat took my body.

I fell on the ground to sleep as I heard two people talking about how they were going to live without snow. ❄

No more dream

When I woke up it was still dark but with a red tinge to it, realizing it was the bandana I turned to my left

"Hey Anthony are we there yet?" I asked grogily since I just woke up.

"Were here" he answered as he got out of the car. I was trying to open my door but couldn't find the handle instead Anthony opened my door and helped me out.

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