c h a p t e r e l e v e n

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^^^^ sorry about the pic I didn't know what else to put bcos of what's going on right now.

Monica's POV

"sweety wake up" I hear Harry's deep English accent whisper in my neck causing chills to run up and down it making the hair stand up

"I'm up daddy" I say still half asleep and smiling because daddy's shorts stubble is tickling my neck as he speaks

I turn to face him to look into those sparkly green emeralds that make me shiver everytime I look into them

"do you want something for breakfast love?" he says his voice still raspy and thick

"yes please daddy" I say grinning at his face; eyes closed, short stubble, just mainly not making an effort but still looking flawless

he opens his sparkles eyes and stares into my plain brown ones he grins down at me leaning in for a kiss I start leaning in then put my hands on his chest and pull away giggling

"what was that for?!" he pouts sticking his lip out and giving me puppy dog eyes

"you have morning breath, daddy" I say giggling again and poking his nose while he groans and gets out of the bed to go to the bathroom, as I hear the faucet turn on I smile to myself. I hear the water turn off and hear daddy's footsteps

I stand up and daddy walks in

hair down, little drops of water on his chin with no shirt and joggers hanging low on his waste

(A/N your welcome 😻💦)

"there I brushed my teeth babygirl" he says chuckling

he leans in and so do I ready to kiss while his hands move to the small of my back he suddenly pulls away

"hey what was that for?!" I say pouting just like Harry did so a few minutes ago

"sorry you haven't brushed your teeth yet" he says smirking and walking to the kitchen

I smile to myself at myself at what a dork I live with

my dork

I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth  and head downstairs to see Harry eating already

"without me?" I say trying to be offended but clearly failing

"yes you take too long" he says chuckling

"whateve-" I cut myself off seeing our meals

Harry having eggs and bacon with orange juice

I having fruit loops and a bottle of water

"daddy?!" I groan in annoyance

"sorry babygirl, don't worry I have something else for you" he says getting up and using his finger to indicate he wants me to follow

I follow him to the living room where I see a box with a bow on top

"you remembered" I said tearing up that daddy remembered my birthday

"go on open it baby" he says smiling

I walk over to the box and untie the bow to see a Polaroid camera and a phone case saying;

don't judge my life story by the chapter your walked in on

I don't know how he knew that's my favorite quote but wow.

I turn around a give him a huge hug

"happy birthday princess your 17  now only one more year till we can be together." he says smiling

I smile back at him and hug him again taking in his scent wanting to stay in the hug forever.

wanting to be with him forever

wanting to love him forever

wanting to be his forever

wanting to live in his arms forever

wanting him forever.


sorry for short chapter I'm surprised I even updated with Connor being in a coma and all that wonderful life shit

I hate my life

but at the same time

I love my life

/ Bri 😪

my daddy : h.e.s  [short story]Where stories live. Discover now