A Wedding

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Farrah: *tips over a cup of milk*

Ben: Farrah No *picks Farrah up and puts her in the play pen*

Farrah: *starts crying*

Ben: I'm sorry Farrah, but that was very naughty *cleaning up the milk*

Jessica: *walks in holding Gage and Cory and puts them in the play pen* What happened in here?

Ben: Farrah tipped over the cup of milk

Jessica: Ooooh yeah

Ben: I did not expect this when the triplets started walking. They destroy everything.

Jessica: They're the kids that will give you a tough time

Ben: Oh they all will at one point

Jessica: You're right

The front door opens

Emma: We're back

Avia: We got an invitation its very pretty

Danielle: I hear crying

They walk into the playroom

Danielle: What happened?

Ben: Farrah tipped over a cup of milk

Avia: Oops I left that there....I'm sorry

Danielle: Avia you have to remember to put up all of your stuff. The triplets are walking now meaning they want to experiment in stuff they couldn't do as crawlers

Avia: I'll remember. I promise

Danielle: Well we got invited to a wedding

Ben: Who's?

Danielle: Peyton. Him and his fiancée are getting married in 2 weeks

Ben: Wow someone is finally getting married from the Girl Meets World cast

Danielle: What do you mean finally...we're married

Ben: Oh yeah....I meant the kids

Danielle: Too late to save yourself *smirks*

Emma: Who Peyton marrying?

Danielle: Kayla. Remember her she was a fan of our show.

Emma: Oh yeah. Wow Peyton is marrying a none famous person

Danielle: He sure is

Jessica: This will definitely end the whole Reyton and Peybrina thing

Ben: No it will just make it worst probably

Jessica: Really

Ben: We thought our fans were crazy when we were all single, but once Danielle got married to Tim it was like the whole world was rooting for Danielle and I to be together. They freaked out when they knew I was at the wedding

Danielle: Tim got so much hate

Jessica: He deserved it

Avia: Who's Tim

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