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[ Halla's pov]

*ring ring*
I turned to my side and looked at my alarm
*6 am*
"Crap! I'm late again!"
I rush out of my bed and put on my uniform, i put my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my bag and head out the door.

I waited in line for the bus
I checked the time *6:50*
"That was close." I whispered

I walk inside apthe school and the first thing i do is open my locker.
I forcefully shoved my things inside.
I bent down to grab my phone but someone kicked aside on purpose

I looked up with my face all red because of anger.
"Yah! Jungkook! Micheossoh?!??" I yell

[Jungkook's pov]
"Yah! Jungkook! Micheossoh?!??" Halla yells at me

I look down at her with a straight face
"Yah! You should be more careful!"
I stepped aside and continue walking with my friend Taehyung.

[ Halla's pov]
I pick my phone up and slammed my locker shut.
I checked my phone if it was okay. I kept walking with my head down
Not caring about the world, just my phone.

Suddenly i felt someone's chest on mine
*thump thump*
His heartbeat...
I looked up slowly

"Cha-chanyeol Op-pa.." I whispered.

[ Chanyeol's pov]
"Oh.. Halla-ah, annyeong!" I smiled at her
Her face turned red in a split second.
"G-gwaenchanha?" I asked her

She cupped her face "uh... Ne."
She bowed and left.
I looked back and watched her walk away.

[ Halla's pov]
"Aish!" I hit my head with my fist
"Pabo, pabo, pabo!" I say to my self.

Well.. I guess i embarrased myself again infront of my crush.. Aigoooooooo...ㅠㅠ

*ring ring*

[ Jungkook pov]

Lunch time.
I sit with my group members while waiting for food.
I turned to right and i see Halla and Chanyeol walking together.

What is this feeling? Why am i suddenly angry and jealous at the same time.
No. I am not falling for her.

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