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Thank-you so much fool-for-you for the amazing cover!! 


Everyone has secrets. Most are better left untold. Especially Isla Collins ones. When Isla's best friend spills everything out, all hell breaks loose... Maybe, just maybe, Isla can fix her life up before it all goes crumbling again.

Thank-you so much to @fool-for-you for the amazing cover ❤️❤️


Minion_Bae © 2016

All Rights Reserved. Everything in this book came from my imagination and if any characters, places and/or events seem to ring-a-bell or seem familiar/resemble things on real life, it is completely coincidental. Thank you!! ❤️❤️ No copying :)

I'll try to update this every Friday, but if not please don't hate me. Love y'all ❤️

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