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"Korea? Wha- Why?" I exclaimed in disbelief, eyes wide despite the fact that I had just woken up. "What on earth are you talking about?" Words tumbled out of my mouth without going through my brain. Everything just happened so fast.

I looked expectantly at my parents, wanting them to explain further. My mom sighed, looking frustrated and worn out. 'The bags underneath her eyes have gotten darker', I thought silently to myself.

"Hon, you were offered a scholarship for Seoul National University. One of the most prestigious universities in Korea. I won't let you throw this chance away."

Under my parents' persuasion, I had applied for the scholarship, but I never did think that I would get it. What do I do now? I do NOT want to go back to Korea. Never in a million years. It brings back bad memories.

I turned to my dad, hoping that he would understand me and convince mom. He caught on but looked at me apologetically. "Dad?" I asked, my voice raw and weak. Even without asking, I knew that it was already decided. I was going to Korea, like it or not.

"Sorry Sky, but your mom's right. We'll come and visit you when we can. And - ", My dad started. "What? Wait a minute. Hold on. What was that? You'll come and visit me? Are you guys not coming with me?" I interrupted my dad, unable to believe what was happening. They nodded simultaneously.

Great. Just wonderful. My life just went from perfect to hell in just one minute. I knew that I had absolutely no say in this, so I just pulled the covers up over my head, wanting to believe that all this was all just a dream. Unfortunately, that would be a miracle and no miracles ever happened in the life of Skylar Lee. What a lucky creature I am!

"Bye mom, dad. I'll miss you guys. See you soon!" I said while hugging them. "Bye Sky, take care and don't skip your meals! I know that I don't say this a lot, but I hope you know that I love you. Remember that, alright?" My mom had told me, her face flushed and eyes teary. She pulled me into another tight embrace before letting me go.

My dad hugged me too, with a simple "Good luck". I nodded, tears threatening to fall. I blinked furiously, trying to hold them back. With one last glance at them, I boarded my plane to Korea.

The plane was already packed and I hurried to find my seat. I found it and took my seat by the window. Just as I had pugged in my earplugs, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my left, and what I saw made my breath catch in my throat.

He was literally the most perfect man I had laid eyes on. Jet black hair, dark orbs as eyes, athletic figure and most of all, the beautiful slight smile that was carved into his face.

"Do you mind?" He suddenly spoke, with a voice that sounded like music to my ears. I blinked, snapping out of my reverie and realized that I had been staring at him. For quite a long time.

Even so, my eyes were still glued to him. He chuckled before clearing his throat. "Like what you see?" He asked, amused. I immediately forced my eyes elsewhere, shaking my head furiously. "Do you mind?" He repeated his earlier question, and I blushed. "M-mind what?" I replied, and mentally chided myself for stuttering. Way to go, Skylar. You can't even talk to a boy. How are you going to survive in Korea alone?

He smirked, gesturing over to where I sat. "The last time I checked, that's my seat." I blinked at him, and felt my face flush when he leaned in closer. "Would you mind moving, love?" He drawled, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Get yourself together, you idiot! I huffed, standing up and moving so that he could get in. He looked slightly surprised by my sudden change in behaviour, and watched my every movement. I could feel his stare burning holes into me.

I blushed again and had to lower my head so that he wouldn't see it. Stop blushing, you dense piece of bullcrap! I told myself to just focus on my music, but then I felt him pull out my earbud. I turned to glare at him, but then I made eye contact with him. Deciding not to act like another one of those giggly girls, I steeled myself and bore my eyes into his. His unwavering gaze was intense, but so was mine. Eventually, he said, "You have really beautiful eyes, has anyone ever told you that?"

Ugh, so he's just another crappy playboy. What a turn off. I almost cringed at the overused pickup line. Instead of giggling and blushing and saying a shy "Thank you" like every normal girl would, me being the rebellious girl that I was, coldly replied' "I know, how could I not know that when every boy that I know are all cringy playboys with horrible pickup lines?"

A flash of hurt crossed his features, and I almost felt guilty about what I said when the look of hurt disappeared just as quick as it came, and was replaced instead with a grin. "Feisty, I like that." I groaned inwardly, eventually giving up on entertaining him. Stuffing my earbuds back in my ears, I closed my eyes and shut him out.

My heavy eyelids slowly opened, feeling a hand on my shoulder that was shaking me awake. The boy from earlier was staring directly at me, his hand still resting on my shoulder. I shook it off of me, frowning. The place where his hand had touched still tingled with his touch.

"I've gotta admit, you snore really loudly." He mused, and I felt my eyes widen in horror. Did I actually snore in front of him? Shit. As if that wasn't enough for me to develop a mental phobia towards people, he continued. "Oh look, she drools, too!" He chirped, the corner of his mouths quirked up. My jaw dropped, and then here goes that damn blush. "Close your mouth, love. It's not nice to gawk."

What the hell? Ok, everything I have ever felt for him up to this point had vanished. He's definitely not my type. Nope. But then my mind caught on to what he said. He called me love. I blushed again, mush to my dismay. Stupid sky.

"Don't call me that." I said coldly, he pretended to act clueless. "Call you what, love?" Catching the pink in my cheeks, he smirked. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Love. Don't call me love." He feigned hurt, clutching his chest with a pained expression. "Why not?" He asked with a slight pout. Damn, he's cute. Wait, what? Did I just say he's cute? Ewwwww! Talk about disgusting.

I successfully ignored him for the rest of the flight. He kept pestering me with cheesy pickup lines and stupid observations, like when at one point, a considerably chubby lady sat in front of us, he nudged me, brought his mouth to my ears, and breathed, "If we crash, at least she'll have some cushioning!" He chuckled at his own joke, leaving me flushed.

Just a second ago, he was so close, just an inch away from kissing my cheek. His breath had tickled my neck, and I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. Calm your milk sacks, you despicable creature!

Eventually, we landed. Here I am, Korea. Hopefully it won't be all that bad.

Hey guys, this is my first story, so please go easy on me! Comment and vote, it would mean the world. Even if you feel like it's not good enough to earn your vote, thank you for reading it!

If there is anything you would like me to improve on or change, please feel free to comment so.

Anyway, how was it? Please tell me it was bearable...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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