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Dans (((POV)))


Last nigh Phil rang me he knows what he did but I want him, NO, I need him. without him there's no phan, no dan and phil, no us. I miss us, I miss him.

I wanted to tell him I love his smile, his voice, his jokes, his comfort, his well everything. I loved him there was no other word for it I loved him. but no I was with Dawn and Phil has done me wrong he betrayed me and my trust, I'm meant to be with Dawn and Dawn was meant to be with me... at least I think.


Later that day


Me and Dawn went out for lunch, "lets get ice-cream I suggested" but she just looked at me in disgust and said " wow are you really that's childish?" I was puzzeled for a second then replied "umm well me and phil always get ice-cream" she grunts angrily "stop, bringing up phil its so annoying what even is he to you ?" I was about to say my everything, but instead I threw the ice-cream thought away and we went out for pizza. I am messed up my brain is confused I need to choose something, someone I'm a wreck, my life is a wreck, NO, I'm wrecked.

Its so confusing but I don't need phil, I just need dawn we are happy together.


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