The Celestial Knight - One Shot

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The Celestial Knight fan fiction for competition. Hehe notice my brilliant rhyme there :)

Anyway, this is my One shot entry for the competition that MyLovelyWriter is currently doing for her recently completed book 'The Celestial Knight' pretty please check it out if you have not read it yet. Thanks! Anyhow, enjoy! :)



The bleak and cold air shivered around the tense atmosphere, small water droplets could be heard in the distance from the deathly silence. Not a breath, nor a heart beat pumped.

Crimson flecked eyes glimmered out from the darkness, evil and menacing. Eyes that could mercilessly kill without flinching. Eyes filled with pure hatred.

Walking slowly out from the darkness and into the candle lit light, a small slither of torn and worn fabric could be seen, blotched with a crusty red.

Stepping further into the faint light, the hooded figure approached the two trembling bodies bowing on the dank floor.

A wicked smile played at the hooded figures lips as he made his way over to them, staring distastefully at their dementor.

Taking a deep breath, he exhaled the black, misty smoke, letting it dance around the figures heads. Watching as goose bumps rattled across their skin.

"Who would like to tell me what happened" The cloaked figure stated, each word clear and agonisingly slow.

Waiting impatiently for an answer, he loomed closer to them, causing their heart rate to rise dramatically.

"Don't make me repeat myself" He growled into the night.

"Do you remember what happened to the last one who, upset me" Iciness toying with his tongue.

"If I remember rightly, it was very, messy" He drew out the last word, poison lacing his joke filled words.

With holding a hackling laughter, the cloaked man chuckled at the sudden stiffness the two figures in front of him held. Obvious remembrance at their long lost colleague.

"S-sire" One of them stumbled with their words. "We hav" The figure didn't get a chance to finish before a loud booming sound resonated throughout the room.

"Do not talk to me without looking me in the eye, wrench. Stand" Watching as the pair of them shot to their feet, fear resided in their black eyes.

"Sire, we believe that we have found the chosen one" The one who spoke first rushed out.

Her dark wavy hair cascaded down her back, pale and iridescent skin glowing in the flickering light. Her hands clenched at her sides, trying not to show her fear and nerves.

Nodding at the girl, the hooded figured sighed in relief that the time has almost arrived, the legend about to unfold.

"So, the time has finally come" He chortled gleefully, tipping his head back to bear his pearly whites.

"However" the second one began, shifting under his heated gaze.

"However?" He repeated raising an eye brow, his laughter gone in an instant as venom filled the air.

Nodding nervously, the second girl continued while trying not to flee.

"They are highly guarded by the academy. We discovered them after our..." the girl trailed off, glancing at her companion for help.

"After what" The cloaked figures voice rumbled in anger. His eyes flickering to the pitch blackness of the darkest night. All trace of red vanished.

"After we attempted assassination for a job" The first girl said in a panic.

"We got interrupted though" the second stuttered out as a growl purred menacingly from beneath the hood.

"However" She took a deep breath. "We did get this"

The first girl dug around in her pockets, a smile tugged at her lips as she slowly unveiled a small golden bracelet sitting innocently in her stained hands.

Patterns of a deer with a horse like creature galloping in front, a tree with wild roses bloomed. The illustration continued in repetition on the golden engravings. It's design was almost aesthetic like, stunning but an odd form of art.

Leaning forward, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. His dark eyes taking on a hint of amusement in their black depths. The fabric around him fluttered in the tense aura that build up around the room.

Breaking the silence, a booming laughter filled the air. "A bracelet"

Catching his breath back, he turned to look at the foolish woman in the eye, taking notice of the way she shivered under his gaze. Walking away, he placed himself on his black abyss coloured throne, enjoying the moment of pause that it caused.

"Enlighten me Sapphire, how is a bracelet going to change anything" bemusement tainted his angered voice.

"This" Sapphire pointed at the bracelet in her hand.

"Is our key to the future" She stated, her eyes lighting up in confidence. "And her"

Turning around to face the doors in which they had entered, a small form emerged from the shadows.

Her hips swaying from side to side as she walked, the long dark emerald skirts that surrounded her wafted in the light breeze. Her long dark brown hair tumbled untidily about her face, tainted with black streaks.

With a swift movement, she fell onto one of her knees, her fair hand placed over her over exposed chest, her head dipped in respect.

"My liege" the girl stood up, looking boldly into hooded mans eyes.

"I am here to pledge my allegiance to you and to offer my services" A wicked smile smothered her face, her dark doe brown eyes fill with hatred and determination.

"Ooh" he folded his arms. "I'm listening"

Giggling to herself, the young girl continued. "You see my liege, we both have similar interests" She took a quick pause to allow the information to sink in. Taking a step closer to him, letting the distance between them to close slightly.

"You want the so called chosen one, I can bring them to you" Noticing that him nodding in approval, she persisted. Furthering her advance, the light tapping of her feet echoing.

"And I want them dead" an evil glint glittered in her eyes, stopping an arms length away.

Leaning back in his chair, he tapped his fingers on the arm rest, creating a tip tapping noise to sound throughout the room. Thinking about the girls offer, he let the smile drop from his face at her boldness.

"What do you want in return" he questioned, folding his legs.

Waiting for her answer, he grew slowly impatient at her steady answers. The water dripped in the background, as she spoke up again.

"I want to be your second in command" She clearly stated through the dark and eerie silence.

Chuckling mentally, he grinned at this girl, she surely knew how to play him.

"Do you know who I am" He teased her.

"I am fully aware, your highness" She replied confidently.

"What is your name young one" Resting his chin gently on his hand, curiosity took over in his dark eyes.



Andddd thats my entry, hehe sorry about the cliff hanger part, I am quite fond of them. Anyway I hope you liked it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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