Chapter 1

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Hi there!  I'm so glad you stopped by!  The first five chapters of Keep Holding On are available here on Wattpad, but if you'd like to read the rest, head on over to to do so.  I'll be posting a new chapter every single day!

"Hurry up, the party started like an hour ago!"  My cousin, April, whines as she pulls me up the driveway towards the largest house I've ever seen.  I'm not even sure if house is the right title, maybe mansion would suit it better.  I mean, there are even pillars holding a second floor balcony above the front door.  Not bothering to knock, April turns the knob and opens the door for me to see that the place is crowded with students around my age. 

I'm spending a few days with my aunt and uncle while my parents are out of town visiting my older sister at her college.  I don't know any of these people but, try as I might, April wouldn't let me stay behind.  She said that it wouldn't be a party if she knew I was at home without her.  I'm really not much of a party girl.  Sure, there are times when I enjoy hanging out with my friends at one, but my goal is never to drink or dance the night away... especially with strangers. 

April pulls us into the kitchen and hands me a red plastic cup filled with what I assume is beer.  "Seriously?  Just hand me a water or something."  I protest, trying to hand the cup back to her.  She shakes her head and refuses to grab it, "You don't even need to drink it.  Just hold it and people won't start calling you Virgin Mary." 

I frown, "Well I am a virgin, and I don't care if people know it.  Besides, why would they assume something like that based off of a cup in my hand?" 

She rolls her eyes, "Ellie, I know you don't get out much, but there are certain rules that one must follow at a party in order to fit in." 

"What if I don't want to fit in?"  I ask, pausing for a moment.  "And I get out plenty!" 

"Yeah, okay."  She says, clearly ignoring me as she looks around the room.  "Ooh, there they are, come on!"  She takes my hand again and pulls me through the crowd until we reach a group of people.  "Ellie, these are some of my friends, you already know Maya."  She says, pointing at a girl with dark brown hair that's wavy and reaches the middle of her neck. 

"I'm Pete."  I look to the guy who waves.  He's got light brown hair and bright green eyes.  He's not much taller than me though, which is a bummer since he'd be gorgeous otherwise.

"Alec."  Another guy says.  He's tall, like basketball player tall, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Corrine."  Says a girl with nearly black hair and bright blue eyes.  "So, you're April's cousin?"  She asks, looking me over carefully.  I start feeling self conscious, wondering if I look okay.  April dressed me, so I must.  I've got on a pair of black tights, a floral dress that goes to mid thigh, flat booties, and a black leather jacket.  My hair is in curls that took April an hour to make, falling freely past my shoulders.  April insisted that I needed makeup, even though I prefer not to wear any, so she dolled me up with dark brown eyeliner, a brown smokey eye, and some red lipstick.  I'm not sure if I actually look good or not, but April usually knows what she's doing.

"Yeah."  I say, also nodding since I can hardly hear my own voice over the music.  I raise my voice before saying, "We're about four months apart." 

"That's cool."  Peter says with a genuine smile.  I nod and blush a little, not used to talking to boys.  I go to an all girls' school; not because my parents chose it, but because that's the closest school to my house.  I haven't had many chances to make guy friends in the past. 

"Oooh, I love this song!"  April shouts over the music as the song changes.  She grabs my wrist before she takes my cup and sets it on the table, yanking me towards the group of people dancing, "Come dance with me!"

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