Chapter 1: Incounter

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Chapter 1

"You are hereby exiled from the Shining Shadow Pack." I looked up into the eyes of my father, the alpha of the pack I once called a family. I whimpered and his wolf lunged at me, threatening to attack. "If you don't comply, you will be chased off forcefully." His large, sandy blonde wolf snarled at me. I whimpered again, and turned around and began to sulk off. I knew why I was being forced to leave, it was no mystery. I just don't understand why my pack, former pack, is so damn superstitious. We have this legend that there will be a child with one ocean blue eye, and the other, a dark brown, almost black. Not only that, the child would look like neither of their parents, the child would have a slightly dark skin tone. Apparently, the child could either bring down a pack, or make it prosper. The whole thing is very specific on this. I was that child. My pack didn't want to take a chance, so they sent me out.

Turning to look over my left shoulder, I expected to see someone following me, but there was no one. Whimpering once again, I flattened my ears to my head and began to run. I had no idea where I was going, but, I just had to get off of the land owned by my former pack. Noticing how dry my mouth was, I quickly located a stream and began to lap at it. After getting my fill, I took a look at my surroundings. It seems like I'm off of the land, but, I have no where else to go. I felt so alone, I had no one. I wished I had my mate; I've been having dreams of him lately, I can never see his face, but his touches are real. Tears fell down my face, of course it would start raining now. I love the rain, but, not when I'm sad like this.

Once again, I started my trek to nowhere. Lifting my nose up, I smelled the air. I could smell other wolves, this is bad, they'll think I'm a rogue. Well, I guess I kind of am. The smell was getting stronger, I began to run, not wanting to be caught. I could feel the borders of the land getting closer to me, and I was almost in the clear, until I was knocked to the side. I looked up from my place on the ground into a pair dark brown, piercing eyes. The wolf was snarling at me, I'm surprised that he could see me in the dark and rain, considering my fur is pitch black. "What are you doing here?" The male wolf hovered over me. He was big, really big, he must be the alpha of this areas pack. I showed my belly and tucked my tail between my legs.

I heard him gasp when he looked into my eyes. "I'm, I'm sorry, I was just passing through. I mean no harm. I swear! Please, don't kill me!" I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath. I squeaked when I felt a breath on my face, I peaked open my blue eye to look at him. His eyes were warm, and no longer glaring at me. "Mate." I heard my wolf say. Was it really that simple?

"Get up." I rolled onto the side to get up, but I put my head in my paws, glancing up at him. "Get up." He repeated, a little bit more annoyed this time. I got up on all fours and cocked my head to the side, confusion going through my eyes. He chuckled, and he rubbed his head against mine. "You are very timid. It's adorable." I felt myself blush, but one couldn't see it. "Well, let's head back to my pack. You need to be introduced." He started to walk away, and I just stood there. He turned around, "Are you coming?" I stood there looking at the ground.



"What's your name?"

He walked back to me and looked me in the face. "My name is Lucas Edge, Alpha of the Night Slash Pack. And what, pray tell, is your name?" He gave a small lick to my muzzle.

I began to stammer. "W-well, my name i-is Alexa Shadow, former d-daughter of the Alpha of the Shining Shadow pack." I lowered my head in shame, I felt a paw underneath my chin and it raised my head up to meet his.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of here, so please, quit being so shy and uncertain." He whispered to me. I stared into his brown orbs, looked away, turned back and gave him a quick lick on his muzzle. Which he laughed at afterwords. "C'mon, let's go now." Lucas nudged me in the side to make me walk, which I did. It was quiet for a while, which I didn't mind, but I could tell Lucas was getting antsy about it. "So, how old are you?"

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