What the hell?!

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You quickly wake up to the sound of pans crashing down in the other room. You leap up quickly and run out of your bedroom door tripping into the clothes you had on the floor. Bolting up you run into the kitchen where you mother is holding her foot and bouncing up and down on her other. "What in Lord Deaths name happened here?" You ask in confusion. "Oh my, sorry y/n, did I wake you?" You look at her blankly and sigh," What happened?"
You're mother sets her foot down as you reach down to pick up the pan. You quickly set it on the counter and see waffle mix there too. "
Well y/n." Your mother replies, "I was going to make you a celebratory breakfast."
"For getting up this morning?"
"No, for GETTING INTO THE DWMA!" She cheers.
You open your eyes wide in surprise. You didn't think you would get in! Now that you really think. You didn't apply. You mother obviously sees the confusion plastered on your face. You have no poker face. You push your h/c hair out of your face as she explains.
"You see y/n, you used to hunt kishin all the time, but since gran died you stopped using your abilities. She gave the last of her magic to you, since you are a skilled miester. She would have wanted you to use them. So.... Pack your bags because you leave in the morning with Jack(your weapon partner)."
"He agreed to this?!" You huffed. Your mother simply nodded before she returned to trying to make waffles. You sighed and grabbed an apple from the counter and headed up stairs.

"What the hell?!"You said as someone grabbed your leg. The apple flew out of your hand and down the hall. You look down to you your little brother latched on your leg. "Atticus you need to let go." You looked in your brothers green eyes and saw tears welling up in the corners. You ripped him off your leg and grabbed the apple. You quickly brushed it off and gave it to him. " don't worry bout me. I'll visit you as soon as I can" You kissed him on his forehead and scuttled off to your room. Tomorrow I leave, I'll have to punch Jack for this.

Hey it's me author-chan, italics mean your thoughts and stuff. This is my first fic so a little advice is nice. Start voting for who you will choose at the end! I'll update when I can, sorry about grammar and spelling:p. Thanks my children (>•_•<) laters~

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