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"You can call me kid if you want."
"Huh? Oh yeah right, nice to meet you Kid" you say shaking his hand."I'm y/n, y/n l/n." You stop shaking his hand and you two are just standing hand in hand. He seems to be looking straight through you. He is looking at your Soul. "Wait are you Lord deaths kid?" You ask still holding his hand. "Why yes I a-" You quickly pulled him into a hug cutting out his words. "I really appreciate your Dad letting me into the school!" You say while you hug him tight. Kid pauses for a moment then hugs to back. He wraps his arms tight around your waist. You feel warm and safe as you two stand like that for a moment. "Uhem..." Jack says pulling you back away from him. You could have sworn you heard Kid sigh. Does Jack look mad? "I'm Jack." He says extending his hand towards Kid. Kid quickly reaches his hand out inspecting your weapon. You watch as Kid looks down at your weapons mismatched socks. He pulls his hand back and looks at Jack with utter horror. "Why in deaths name do you have two different socks?! What kind of filthy person wears two different socks! Piece of asymmetrical gar-" Kid is quickly cut off by two girls wearing the same outfit. Both with nice brown hair. They each had a hand over his mouth. "Sorry about Kid here," the tall one said"He gets a little crazy about symmetry." You look at Jack who looks like he is about to punch kid out. You grab his arm and give a nervous laugh,"It's fine, we all have are quirks!" You give them a quick smile and the girls remove their hands showing a flushed Kid. "I'm Liz and this is my sister Patty." She smiles. "Nice to meet you two!" They do sorta look alike, maybe in the eyes. No. Hair? Nope. Right, its their souls! "I see the family resemblance now!" They both smile at you as Jack pulls you to walk away.
"Y/n we're late." He sounds pretty mad. you smile back at them and wave. "See yall later!"
You walk away with Jack and feel as if someone is staring at you as you go. You brush off the feeling. Kiddo is pretty cute~ "What are ya thinkin about?" Jack looks over at you in question. "Just wondering why you did that." You reply with a bit of harshness. He just gives a small smile then walks forward in silence. Strange..

Kids POV
Y/n, wow that is really beautiful. I stand hand in hand with her for a long moment. I wonder what her soul looks like. I focus at it for a moment. It looks like a flame of many colors. Changing, moving. Very interesting. "Wait are you Lord deaths kid?" I wonder why she asks."Why yes I a-" I get pulled into her. "I really appreciate your Dad letting me into the school!" Ah yes, I should have remembered father telling me of her. The girl who has magic. She doesn't seem at all like someone bad. She feels warm, I wish i could- stop Kid I just met her. I hug her back as my mind drifts again. I could get used to this..."Uhem..." Right she came here with someone. That is disappointing. And he has... TWO DIFFERENT SOCKS! I was about to tell him off when Liz and Patty came, before I knew it she was heading to the school.

-Time skip due to Kid stopping to fix the yellow lines of the road-

Thats a lot of stairs. You look up at the large amount of steps in front of you. Jack looks over at you with a little worry on his face. "Magic?" You ask him. He smiles and quickly turns into his weapon form. He is now a pitch black whip with red lines going down the rope. A small red jewel at the end is how you communicate. You feel his soul smile as you prepare to use your magic. The magic your gran taught you. You focus hard and levitate slightly. You slowly begin your way up the steps. It's not like anyone will see you, you are two hours late afterall. As you land on the top step Jack changes back and let's you lean on him. Magic takes a lot out of you.

A lot for one day huh? Thanks to the people who read this. It'll get better! Get ready to meet Soul. Thanks{)_(}

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