Chapter 2 - New Beginning

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Hermione P.O.V.

My eye sting because of the contact in my eye. Harry and Ron were standing in front of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

"Hey Harry, Ron."

They turn their toward me and their seem shock some how. Probably because of my hair.

"Hermione, bloody hell, what did you do to your hair?" Ron yelled.

"I decided I wanted a little changed, you guy like it?" I asked.

"You look amazing Hermione, of course we like it. Right, Ron." Harry said nudging Ron arm.

Ron pout a bit "I like it better, before."

"Well its not your hair, and I love it." I reply snarkily to him as brushing one of my brown and copper locks behind my ear.

Harry smile and gave a hug "Happy Birthday, how those it feel to be 18 Hermione."

"I feel kind of different it hard to explain." I smiled.

"Really." Harry said in a surprising tone.

"Yeah but it no big deal." I answered.

"Let get inside it starting to get cold out here" Ron said as he tried to bundle himself up in his coat trying to keep himself warm from the fall breeze. I didn't notice the drop of temperature, but I was the only one that was wearing summer clothing and I'm the person in the group that got cold really easily. Maybe this is what her mother meant  'Sooner or later you will gain new power during the night of a full moon'. Tonight is the night of the full moon. I walk in to the shop. We talk to George for awhile and left to see a couple of shop.

We almost visited all the shop in Diagon Alley.  But I barely talk the whole time wondering who was I and if I would meet my other half, my brother.

"Are you ok Hermione, you barely talk the whole time were here." Harry asked.

"I'm fine just lost in thought." I answered.

"If you start feeling tired we can go to a café if you like." Harry said kindly.

"Who would want to go a café, that were girl go to drink." Ron said rudely.

"Ron you idiot, I am a girl." I said raising my tone of voice.

"No shit Sherlock." He laugh.

I glare at Ron and the storm off. I went inside Flourish & Blotts and hid in a corner so both of them wont find me. Ron can be such a jerk sometime. Tear start to run down my cheek.

"Princess, don't cry princess" A small kind voice said.

I look around to see who said those kind word. No one there. All but a small light hiding between some book.

"Who are you?" I asked staring at the small ball of light.

"A friend Princess." The small voice giggled.

Then the light disappeared and all went quiet.

Why did it call her princess and why was it kind to her? Did it had something to do with my family and how could I see it? Have I just gone insane? All those question rushes trough my mind.

I exit Flourish & Blotts.

As I lift up my head I notice that I was standing face to face with Harry and Ron, who apparently caught up to me.

"I'm sorry I was rude to you Hermione, I should have done that to you." He apologize.

"Its ok Ron all forgiven." I said.

I smiled at Harry then forgot how much time we spent here shopping.

"Has any of you guy got the time?"

Harry looked at his watch to check the time.

He had a surprising look on his face.

he laugh "Well look at the time we've been for 10 hour already it is almost 5 in the afternoon, time does fly."

I laugh "It sure does."

We were preparing to until I heard some screaming.

"Did you guy's hear that?" I ask

"Hear what Hermione." Harry ask.

The screaming  was louder like it was only a meter away.

"I'm starting to hear something to. I can hear it but barely." Ron said.

"What going on over there?" Harry ask.

"Lets find out." Ron grinned and ran of to the direction of the sound.

"Ron it might be something dangerous." I yelled at him.

"Then you better come." he yelled back.

Harry and I ran after the idiot. the sound led to Magical Menagerie were a baby dragon broke loose and causing some chaos.

We caught to Ron "Bloody Hell its a  Hungarian Horntail that kind of dragon is considered to be the most dangerous dragon ever."

"Why the hell is it doing here in Diagon Alley?" Harry asked

"How would I know, Harry." Ron answered

Ron and Harry start arguing.

I stared at the baby dragon for a few second. During those few I could suddenly sense what the baby Hungarian Horntail was feeling. It was fear and confusion.

When everyone else was in a panic and when Harry and Ron was arguing. I wrap  my hand in my scarf and rose my hand a bit above my head. I stared at it for awhile until I whistles a tune that I never heard before, but for some reason it came naturally. The baby Hungarian Horntail flew over and landed on scarfed wrapped hand. It calm itself down before it stared at me in the eyes. Everyone even Harry and Ron calmed them self down and were shock at the sight of me holding a baby dragon.

I walk over to the shop keeper and put the baby dragon back in its cage. the whole time the baby Hungarian Horntail was calm the whole time.

I turn around and walk past Harry and Ron.

"How did you do that Hermione that was bloody brilliant." Ron ask

"I invented it a month ago. But I only did it with birds, so I took a shout at it with the Hungarian Horntail." I lied

"You are totally the brightest witch of are age." Harry laugh

"Thank guy, well I better be going see you later." I gave them a small smile.

I ran back home as I removed the bloody contact out of my eye as the sun almost set.

I ran in to my house and up to my room.

I open my closet and remove all my clothe from it. Deciding what close I'm getting rid of.

"Tonight the night that I am going to discover who I really am, and it will be a new beginning for me."


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