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Hey guys! So I just finished writing Running Blind. I had decided to end it as simply a short story. I decided i wanted to write backstories from the different characters. Ivy is Tim's mate but in Running Blind but you don't learn all that much about her. Read her perspective and learn what her life has been like. :P

Your Writer,



Being afraid sucks. All I've known is fear. My older sister was treated like a perfect gem of the family. I was not. I was the runt, the outcast, the worthless, and the hated. My sister loved me, but there wasn't much she could do about my father. My father hated me. He thought I was an abomination. I can't shift into my wolf. I can speak with her, but am unable to shift into her.

My father enjoyed beating me daily. He would order me to shift and then when I couldn't his stupid temper would flare and he would beat me. I had bruises all over me from these beatings. Sometimes he would beat me with a whip, other times with his hand and fists, and even sticks or bats or anything that he could smack me with.

I always ran up to my room in tears and would close the door and uncontrollably cry. Then a soft knock would always come. I would open it to see my sister Annabelle. She would walk in with a sad expression. She would bring me over to my bed and let me cry on her shoulder. She always brought ice because this happened close to everyday.

Then my dad would scream, "Anna! Get out of her room! She doesn't deserve someone like you being nice to her!"

She would get up angrily and run down the steps and I would cry even harder as I heard them yelling back and forth until I would hear Anna yelp as my father hit her. Then she would go off to her room until dinner. Then dinner came around and my father made a maid bring me my food. I wasn't aloud to eat with the family. Sometimes Anna would deny him her showing up for dinner. My mother couldn't do anything either. She tries often to keep him from hitting us, but he hits her too.

When he hits my mother though, Anna and I both freak out on him. If he hits out mother and we either hear it or see it, we explode on him until he hits one of us. This life wasn't healthy, for anyone. My father doesn't know when to stop so Anna and my mother and I live in fear everyday knowing he is going to beat us. This is how I lived until I met, him.

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