Chronix: the Foundation

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Prologue: The Troublemaker

"Get back here, you scum!" Shouts of anger and displeasure rolled off the tongues of the school teachers and janitors as they ran after the thief that had just stolen food from their pantry, a thief who was also a student of that very school. Students of all grades watched in astonishment as the boy with whom many were friends or knew from similar acts of ignorance darted between the tables of the cafeteria, alternating his route to avoid possible threats. As he leapt over a wooden table, the bottom of his navy blue shorts caught the corner of the chestnut table, delaying him slightly. Cursing under his breath, he released the shorts and continued bounding out of the lunch room.

'Once I'm out the door,' he thought, 'I'm home free.' Making a beeline for the large white doors at the end of the room, Trinity threw three empty chairs into the path behind him, making a group of girls at the tables around him let out a scream as the chairs hit the white tile floor. The doors quickly grew larger as he closed in on them, pushing his pursuers further behind him. He was maybe twenty feet from the door. Now fifteen. Ten. Five. The doors now loomed right in front of him and he could -

In an instant, the doors were thrown open... But not by him. A tall, thin, colored man stood before him with a stocky lady who wore way too much make-up to his right and a plump man with glasses that took up nearly half of his face on the tall man's left. Behind them stood a girl of a head turning appearance his age and ears that were visible from between the strands of her flowing blonde hair. A demonic yet elegant smile pierced her lips, and Trinity was distracted momentarily; just long enough for two of the schools most fit teachers took their place behind him, blocking Trinity where he stood.

"Trinity, come with me to my office, please. " the taller man began in a hushed, yet gruff, voice. "And no, Master Elandinai, that is not a request."

"I told you he was causing trouble again, Mr. Doughtin!" The young girl whined, thrusting her carrot-sized index finger towards Trinity.

"Yes, thank you," Mr. Doughtin, the tall colored man and the principal of Frenix High School, replied with a slight smile. The man and woman to either side of him stepped behind Trinity, forming a triangle around him.

"Janett, sweetie, why don't you have a seat and continue with your lunch?" the stocky woman chirped. With a nod Janett scurried away from the triangle of adults that encaged Trinity, making sure to avoid him entirely. The only contact she dared to make with him was meeting his gaze with her icy blue eyes in a victorious motion.

"Get moving, scum!" The man shouted as Janett was seated at her table with a group of girls. A hard shove forced Trinity to the ground, and anger swelled though him. Laughter from the other students made his ears red with anger.

"Hold him," Mr. Doughtin commanded. With a nod, the man and woman behind Trinity took a good grip on his arms and lifted him from the ground. Turning to leave the cafeteria, silence fell among the students as they watched as Troubled Trinity was once again removed from the school grounds in punishment.

"See you later, shrimp." A single male voice sounded as the doors closed once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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