My Town

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"So we're at the studio recording, I can't text you Becca. They're even letting me write some music! I'll text you when I can" aaaaaannnd sent.
"Hey princess, how's the writing goin?" Danny asked.
"Pretty good. I have some ideas.. They're not that good." I rambled.
"Well, I don't know about that.. Can I see?" He asked.
So I gave him the notebook.
He read some quietly, then sang the chorus with a good melody.

"When the sun goes down,
The stars come out,
Like the ghost of yesterday,
So drink em' down 'cause some things never change"

"I like it, I like it, I think I have a good melody. Let me show the guys" he said.
So they sang the song and we all liked it. A lot actually.

That was the last song they needed for the album. Finally! We're done.

(Funny Man POV)

"Hey, Cristie.. Thanks for helping us." I told her.
"Oh, no problem. Anything for my boys." She said giggling.

I walked over to Da Kurlzz.
"Hey man, what's up?" I asked
"You tell me. I didn't know he liked her, now she won't even talk to me. I screwed up didn't I? I mean it was an accident, and it happened 3 days ago" DA Kurlzz whined
"I don't know man, we're going to the club tonight. Find some girl, hook up with them. Drink. That's what I do" I told him.

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