Pissed Off the Prince (Chapter 4)

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Joshua and I sat there in complete silence for a few minutes until I decided to speak because I couldn't take the quiet anymore. Once back then on a weekend while my mom was over at the apartment eating lunch, I read on the local newspaper and it said he was 21 but looking at him eating the peanut butter and jelly sandwich made me feel like I was looking at a 5 year old little boy who just came from school and was starving all day. It made me smile because I'm glad I did something that someone actually enjoyed. He noticed I was staring and I looked away.

"No it's fine, you don't have to look away. I like the attention." he smirked and took a sip from his glass of white milk.

"As if, there's nothing to look at." I sneered.

"You say that now." he teased.

I rolled my eyes, and stood up before he could interrupt my departure and called after me.

"Hey young lady, your work starts at 6. Sharp! You have to make my breakfast." he said while standing up.

"I have a name, and at 6? You mean in the afternoon right?" I was beginning to laugh.

"Ha ha ha, no. 6 in the morning princess. If you're not down by 6, you'll regret it." he said while putting the empty glass of milk in my hands.

"Have a good night Cilia Louis" he said while waving with his broad back turned to me.

"So you do know my name...arrogant little.." I muttered to myself.

I washed both of our glasses, and cleaned the counter from all the bread crumbs. When I turned back around to leave I realized I would have a hard time finding my room again. I groaned to myself and slapped my forehead, unfortunately I'd done it a little too hard because it hurt.


I was almost awake enough to hear my surroundings but my eyes were closed and I still reacted slow to things. I heard my door open and automatically spoke.

"Mom what's for breakfast?" I said while stretching.

"Question is, where is MY breakfast?" his voice was deep, and close.

I totally had forgotten that my mom passed away not too long ago, and I now lived at the big mansion where the Turman residence resides. I let out a gasp and my eyes flew open to see beautiful brown eyes staring at me. I sat up on my bed, and saw who was before me. Joshua was bent down, with his hands in his pockets. I shot my head to the window next to my bed and saw the bright sunlight brushing through the curtains. I looked back at Joshua who was standing up normal. He looked angry and annoyed.

"What time is it?" I hesitated to ask.

"Oh I don't know, maybe you should be responsible and put an alarm clock tonight." he was being sarcastic.

I quickly rummaged through my silky white sheets and finally found my phone. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. It was 10:00am. I had fallen asleep with no doubt. I remember I had literally spent about 40 minutes trying to find my room last night. I came in like if I'd been hit by a truck and didn't keep track of time. I looked at Joshua who furrowed his eyebrows and turned away after a few seconds.

"Next time I won't let you off. Now I'm leaving for work with no breakfast. Thank you Cilia, your first day at work was successful." he said sarcastically while walking out.

"Wait I can make you something fast!" I told him.

He looked back at me and I quickly got up. Looking like a tornado passed by my hair, and wearing my basketball shorts with my mom's big t-shirt, I quickly pulled my hair into a messy bun and worked my way to the kitchen. He followed behind me and surprisingly I got there without a problem. I ferociously looked around all the cabinets when I heard Joshua sigh.

"Well if you would tell me where things were." I pointed out.

"Maybe if you would of woken up early, you would of had time to look for these things." he said through gritted teeth.

"Are you gritting your teeth at me?" I sounded like a mad mother.

He looked up, and chuckled his normal chuckle but this time it was an irritated chuckle. He walked up to me in a matter of seconds and I squinted. For a second I thought his hand would connect with my face but he was standing there staring at me with a clenched jaw.

"Let me read you the script. Number one, you listen and do as I say, and number two, you don't talk back to me, you got that? I'm your boss, your'e a maid and I'm older than you. Ever heard of respecting the elders?" he yelled.

"You're not an elder, your'e 21, and please I'm 18, were not that many years apart." I replied.

He looked like he wanted to say something but he just grabbed his suitcase and stormed off. I ran to the double front doors and saw him leave in his black shiny Lamborghini. He was pissed off, and I had to find a way to apologize to him but how?

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