Chapter 3 *Part 1*

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*Part 1*

"Hey there rainbow dash!" Twilight yelled waving her hand in the air. I waved back and then realized there were other people with her. I could count 9 people.

"Pinkie who all did you invite?"

"Everyone!" She says happily.

"Lets GO!" Applejack said as we all made our way onto the train.

"What about Rarity?" Butterscotch asked quietly.

"We Need to go prepare. She thinks she is going to visit Canterlot alone for her birthday. She gets on the 5 o clock train. It's only 1:00 now." Pinkie said.

" 'Kay y'all let's get a moving!" AJ exclaimed.

"Weeee party time!" Pinkie yelled.

"This better be a cool party." Rainbow Blitz said.

"Pinkie and I are planning it." Bubble said smiling.

"And Pinkies partys are always cool." I say smiling with my head high.

"Okay Dashie." Blitz commented looking me in the eyes. I smirked and looked away.


Sorry I have not posted anything lately, I've been having bad writers block, and sorry the chapters are so short. Please vote and/or comment if you do like it cause I don't know how many people actually like my writing. :] I will post longer chapters once I figure out how to continue it.

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