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— wasn't supposed to post the photo of tronnor in the previous chapter.. It was supposed to be for this chapter. Sorry.


Connor hopped into the car and began to drive to meet Troye. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest.

Once Connor arrived to his destination, he parked his car and went inside the Café.

He looked around for a while before spotting Troye sitting in the corner of the room, on his phone.

Connor walked over and stood in front of Troye, Troye immediately looked up.

"Oh my– hello" Troye said surprised, getting up to hug Connor.

"Hi, how are you?" Connor asked hugging Troye tightly.

"I'm good, you?" Troye said pulling away from their hug.

"I'm good" Connor smiled, sitting down across from him.

"So you'd like to come to my place, with my roommates" Connor chuckled, thinking he wouldn't wanna meet them. Troye nodded, "I'd love to" he smiled.

The two packed up their belongings and headed out of the Café

As the two drove back to Connor's place, Troye continued to ask Connor questions. Such as, 'favourite colour' or 'what's your favourite animal?' Which Connor of course answered with 'cats'.

It went into an awkward silence for a while, just the sound of Connor humming a tune and tapping the steering wheel with his thumb, while driving.

"Are you sure you want to come over, I don't wanna rush things or make you feel like you're being force to come over," Connor said breaking the silence
"We can just go to the mall or something"

Troye replied, "Connah, it's fine, I trust you."

"You trust me?" Connor said surprised, looking over at Troye from the driver's seat.

"Yea" Troye giggled.


They soon arrived at Connor's house, they got out of the car and walking towards the house.

Connor pulled out his house keys and opened the front door.

"My roommates should be home, if not they'll probably be home soon" Connor said kicking his shoes off at the door, closing the door behind Troye.

Troye stood still, looking around at his new surroundings. Connor started walking up the large stair case. Troye soon began to follow.

A small dog came walking from around the corner, making Troye a bit scared.
The dog barked a couple times before Connor yelled at it to shut up, from the middle of the stair case.

"Don't worry, that's just Wishbone, my roommate's dog. He won't hurt you, unless you make a ruckus. He hates violence" Connor said as Troye began to walk up the stairs, keeping his eyes on the dog.

They walked up the stairs and towards two large doors at the end of the hallway. Connor pulled out his keys again and opened the door.

"I always have to lock my door, my roommate Kian always takes my shit without asking. It's so annoying."

They walked into the bedroom, white walls filled the room, a black desk sat in the corner of the room with an iMac sat on top of it.

"Welcome to my room" Connor said spinning around, making Troye laugh.

Connor froze, staring at Troye, "you've gone quiet on me. Why?" Troye looked up at Connor, staring into his beautiful green eyes. "Sorry, it's just that whenever I'm in new places I go quiet, I don't know why. It just happens I guess" Connor nodded, "oh"

Troye walked over and sat on Connor's bed. Watching Connor place his keys and phone onto his desk.

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